Friday, Nov. 21, 2003 / 6:30 p.m.

~This Is SO Huge In Japan~

Man! And Wow! That red banner Andrew put up did the trick. I had the 'fastonlineusers' counter thingie too. Sorry. All gone. It was kind of fun, it told me how many people were on my page at the same time, but I don't mind not having it, I guess.

First, well it's second now, a big shoutout to my diary's most faithful reader... in JAPAN! Hello, Japan! Arrigato Gosaima. No, I don't know how to spell it, but I'm updating for you, because you've been kind of anxious, haven't you? I know, I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday, but I've been kind of busy.

And, yes, I deleted your guestbook entries because they were weird, and I didn't like that. I don't know if you purposely made them weird, or there is a language barrier, but no offense, okay? Yay.

Um, moving along.

Yes, I wanted tonight to be much like last night, come home, fix something to eat (that's how we talk down South, we say 'fix' instead of prepare, or cook, and we say 'fixin' to' instead of getting ready to as well), watch news and "The Simpsons", then good TV, skip the computer altogether, like totally, like don't even come in this room, but then I saw the lights on at the mailboxes and I wanted to come here to make a note of it, seeing as how I bitched.

But you know, I affected change, and I don't know if anyone else complained, but you're a target if you stop your car and get out to get your mail in the dark. No lights around, anyone could do anything, and this is a reputed 'not safe' neighborhood, not entirely. Granted, that attempted robbery was months ago, and the last 'big thing' was the fire at the apartments across the street, but still, it was not safe.

And it took two phone calls and about a week, but they replaced the lightbulbs, the fluorescents, and it's bright and I felt safe stopping in the dark to get my mail. No longer dark.

Yay again.

So, yeah, last night I needed to just sit and veg. I worked overtime, and I could have tonight too, as I did the last two nights, but I wanted to get home to the girls. Jane laughed when I told her, but it was because I left the porch open at lunch - Norman was sunning herself and she seemed so happy I couldn't bring myself to force her in, like I did yesterday - and I was afraid if I didn't get home to feed them on time Gladys would eat the wicker chair where it's coming apart. Yeah, she does that.

She needs plant material to eat, grass, wood, pine needles, something - blech, I know, but she loves grass and it's my fault for not growing some more for her.

Long story, huh? She eats the wood that's coming apart, the 'wicker', and I think it makes her throw up, and the long pieces that come off are sharp and if she ate one and it perforated her stomach lining and she died of whatever, well, I'd feel horrible.

Oh, reminds me of "ER" last night. Thinking of perforated stomach linings and stuff. Jesus, it was amazing! The irony! Dr Romano, who got his arm sliced off by the rotor of a helicopter up on the roof, on the helipad, a year or more ago, and got the arm reattached and it rotted and he got it amputated and replaced with a prosthetic that is robotic and does cool stuff, was asked to go back up to the helicopter area, the helipad or whatever, and I guess he hadn't been up since the accident, right?

So, he gets to the roof, in the elevator, and he freaks when he gets up, has to come back down, has a panic attack, walks outside the building, and the fucking helicopter takes off and has a wacky landing, like the pilot must've had a seizure, right? And it lands so weird and bounces and hits the edge of the roof, and falls off the fucking roof, plummets to the ground outside the ER, and lands ON TOP OF ROMANO who has gone outside to breathe!

Omigod. He must be dead. He must be. If I watched "Entertainment Tonight", or if I were up on my Entertainment Weeklys (I'm way over a month behind!), or if I followed these things like I should, I would know if the actor's contract was up for negotiation, or whether he's been signed to do something else, or whatever, and I'd know if his character has been killed off, or not, but just from watching? The dude is a human pancake.

Intense. Really good episode, I mean just crazy good.

And prior to that was kind of a lame "CSI". That show is so uneven, in my humble opinion. Some nights, wow, like last week, the thing with Grissom searching for the body to match the head that the German Shepherd dragged in, that whole story was really interesting, and how it was all solved was really cool, he is cool, William Peterson's character, but last night? I don't know, I just didn't feel it.

And prior to that, oh, the tragedy. They voted Rupert off "Survivor". The best player ever, almost. He made mistakes, he let everyone know that he knew how powerful he was. He was too powerful, he was too good, he had too much of everything, he was too amazing. And when he gave his speech at the end, he said how he's still not accepted for who he is, how he never has been, and nothing's changed, but he had it so wrong, it wasn't about 'acceptance', it's a game, and it's about winning a million dollars at the end, and no one could win against him. No way, he was too strong, he had to go.

I hope he realizes he was accepted by America, that we loved him. I bet he has fan sites on the Interweb. I haven't looked, but I bet I'm not the only one who thought he was the most charismatic "Survivor" in the history of the show.

Dammit. It won't be fun now.

I saw it coming, but it won't be fun now. I'll still watch, sure, but yeah.

And work? Egad. Today at one point I was juggling the phones, which got really busy, with my normal paperwork and data entry, with the new paperwork and data entry. I was high from the challenge, which was crazy. Mad crazy. And I had like three different applications running, or four, or was it five?, and I got my computer's CD audio thing to work finally and listened to CDs at the same time!

I told our HR Manager this evening, late, before we left, and she said, "We call that multitasking", but it was insane, more than just that, it was more than wearing many hats, it was juggling, so I did a good impression of someone juggling a lot of balls at once, and she just sort of nodded like I should be doing that every day, but she admitted it's not good to do all the time. No, it would kill me.

Funky odors are emanating from the apartment downstairs, like a cross between sauerkraut and fried chicken. Hmmmmm...

The weather here has been spectacular. Really. Mid 70s, dry, dry, dry, after all that rain a few days ago. Blue sky, so blue it's hard to believe it can be that blue, no clouds at all, and the leaves are still on the trees, turning to beautiful deep reds and oranges. We take walks on our breaks during work. Jane and I went in the afternoon, and I went alone in the morning, listening to Moby on the Walkman, the B sides, if you want to know.

Yesterday I walked with Penelope, Jane and Q, had to force Jane because of her cranky period moods. But she loved it too, it's hard not to. The trees, the sky, the air temperature, it can restore a person.


Is that it? Weather, TV, cats, we haven't touched on food, but I've had a BLT at lunch for three days in a row now! I know, it's not good, but Elvis ate a pound of bacon every day and it didn't kill him. Drugs did. So I'm okay. I wouldn't have had one today, but what else? I wasn't in the mood for tuna. Or PBJ.

Jesus, so this diary is big in Japan, huh? You must have something better to do. You read it at work? Hmmmm... Again.

I'm getting some bad cramps right now, so I need to finish up here and head to the sofa, with blankie, cats, something good to eat, and my "Miss Match" later. What a week it's been, really. I have things to do this weekend too, a lot actually, and we'll see if I do any of it.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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