Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2002 / 1:35 p.m.

~A Burst Bubble on a Typically Sucky Day~

No, I have no desire to "expose" anyone, but I have to write in my diary that I feel really weird finding out that a diary that I read in full turned out to be a work of fiction. It just goes to show you the weirdness that is Diaryland. I'm attacked for my political beliefs, I'm attacked for pointing out a fraudulent situation in a public auction, I'm attacked for anything anyone can and will think of.

People befriend me, they then stab me in the back, people think they know me, but they don't, I decide to stop reading certain diarists and they wig out on me, it's been one psychotic adventure after another.....and now this. Wow. Okay, so you aren't single, so you didn't just get engaged, so you really don't have the cat either???? ALL of it was lies?

I am so naive it's stupid.

And, no offense to the person in question, who thought it a nice cathartic experience to write of a different life lived, this is another reason why I despise humanity in general, they cannot be trusted, or counted upon, in any way, shape or form.

Oh, I'm home for lunch. Peanut butter and blueberry preserves on whole wheat. Work sucks, as always. I wrote a whole couple paragraphs, feverishly, about it while still at work, then I instantly deleted it. Garbage. Who gives a fuck what Lulu said, or I said, or D. said, or didn't say, or what that asshole fucker on the phone said? Until I find another job (I applied for yet another job I won't get yesterday, online - AOL Time Warner - why in hell would I work for them anyway?) this is my job. I have to deal or......I don't know. I can't quit. I haven't found another job, therefore I reside in Hell.

In the future, I don't believe a single word any of you write. Not one word. I don't even believe Roadiepig caught fish today. Sorry. Trust no one.

Man, my bubble's been burst.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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I Survived to Tell the Tale - 7:29 a.m. , Friday, Sept. 18, 2009

Reading My Life - 12:55 p.m. , Saturday, Sept. 12, 2009

Happy Kitty

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