Friday, Feb. 07, 2003 / 1:27 p.m.

~Code Purple, Man - It's a Groovy, Love Alert~

Is it just me, or is anyone else just a tad suspicious at the timing of this newest TERROR ALERT?

Don't forget that fear breeds loyalty. Don't forget that manipulation abounds on all fronts right now. Use your mind. Think.

Just home at lunch, just eating PBJ, just saw some headlines, just thinking about Tom Brokaw and Dave Letterman agreeing last night, just thinking I'd rather not think about anything to do with "SHOWDOWN WITH SADDAM" right now, or Colin Powell, or George Bush, or the fact that..........

New York City is denying peace activists a permit to march on February 15th!!!!!

What's next, man? Yes, I said man. I start to sound like a hippie when I'm all uppity and indignant about losing my civil rights, or about others losing theirs, or about being manipulated by the press, or any media at all. And I'm not nearly as uppity and indignant as I should be because I'm all depressed and introspective lately, majorly gazing at my navel, metaphorically speaking, or not quite so literally speaking, at least.

I've got one eye on mainstream media, one on alternative, and in between I'm thinking about pop culture, and my TV shows, and Michael Jackson, and my stupid job, and how tired I am, and wondering if I'll participate in the planning for the Peace Parade we're having here on the 15th. Because we are not going to New York, not this time.

And will they get their permit? They're suing NYC! Isn't that great?! If Guiliani were mayor, would this still be happening?

And I saw two stretch Hummer limos on my way to lunch just now. I thought, NBA All Stars. I know it's related to the events in town this weekend, but I don't know how. Stretch Hummer limos are only for certain people, excuse me for the stereotyping, but come on already.

We know, we know indeed.

I want to go to a movie tonight, and I may. Most likely I won't, but I'm thinking about it. I called "Moviefone" (or is it Moviephone?) from work and the recording said, "HELLO, and welcome to AOL's MOVIEFONE!!! This is the Moviefone guy! You think my voice is annoying? You should see my face! You can see me on CNN's...." blah, blah, blah. Maybe you had to be there, but it made me laugh out loud.

I hate the Bush administration for scaring the sensitive American public right now. I know people who will really be scared at this new terror alert issuance. I do. I feel sorry for them, but then again I'm more angry than anything else. Look at the timing, just look at it.

I can just hear them in their War Room, "I know, let's issue another ALERT, we'll make it Code Orange, then they'll be afraid again, we'll get all the support we need to push this through! Fuck France! What do we care about the French anyway? They eat smelly cheese and the women have hairy underarms and smell like old bread!" "Absolutley right, John, we said we'd go it alone, we will! But if we can at least get the Americans to think we're under an immediate threat, it will be that much easier for them to send their boys to the Gulf!!!" "Thanks, boys, I think this will work, I do!"

Moby wrote something in his journal the other day about the possibility that everything might work out in Bush's favor, and how that would be good, in the long run, maybe, but how would the leftists react to that? Go read his journal, if you don't already. He's a good writer, very funny, very astute, very humble, very political. If you click on his photo at the bottom of this page you will be magically transported there....

Gotta run.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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Run, Kitty, Run!

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