Monday, Apr. 07, 2003 / 8:49 p.m.


Dissent: to differ in sentiment or opinion, especially from the majority; to disagree with the methods, goals, etc. (philosophy) of a political party or government, take an opposing view.

This is what "Korn" writes to me: "Dissention is not a right in any society. However, free speech is. The two are completely different things. Dissention is like yelling "fire" in a crowded theater when there is no fire. Free speech would be "talking" about fire in a crowded theater. See the difference."

What?! Seriously, what?! People, if you don't know what you're talking about, don't try to engage me in an email debate. If you write me some long diatribe in my guestbook, I'll delete it or I'll respond, maybe both, depending, but this is really just my diary. I know a few of the people who read it, most are strangers, and most never communicate with me on any level at all. This is what I'm accustomed to. This is what I expect.

In the past, people have confused this with a forum for debate, but they've quickly found out otherwise. This is my diary and I am in charge. I will lock it if you continue to harass me (and yes, continuing to badger and bait me is harassment). This is my right. In the land of diaries, I am entitled to say whatever I please, as long as I do not write hateful things about another Diarylander. I am not slandering anyone, I am expressing my opinion, and when ignorant people choose to argue with me, or bait me, or prod me into some inane debate about 'their' views (I don't care what YOU think, really, go talk to someone who does), it will get them nowhere. Okay?

I mean, really, "Korn", this is ludicrous: "Speaking out against something you don't believe in isn't dissention." Ummmmm, yeah. It is. That's exactly what it is. Exactly.

But "Korn" goes on, and this part is scary, really scary: "However, when you step over the line of speaking out (not that you are) that is. Fortunately for those who do speak out, treason and treachery doesn't seem to be a punishable offense nowadays."

So, voicing a dissenting opinion is grounds for treason? Is "Korn" one of the authors of the new Patriot Act?

I don't mean to threaten, that's just stupid, but really, I'm still inches from locking this thing. I hate to do it, I get off on the stats, I do. It feeds my ego, and I know if I lock it I lose visitors, but I can't engage in debate with idiots, I just can't, it's a total waste of energy and time. I wrote a really nice email letter in response to "Korn"'s long guestbook entry (sure, go read the guestbook), but he/she wants to continue, finds this sort of thing fun or something. I suggested he/she spend the extra time teaching a child to read, or reading some news, anything, but apparently he/she gets off on finding people with strong, opposing viewpoints, and thrusting his/her (could be a man, could be a woman, could be a child, I have no clue, and with a name like "Korn", well, how can I know?) insane ideas upon them.

My right, privilege, whatever, I am free to voice my dissenting opinion at this time in history, or any time. I have in the past, I always will. I am an American, and this is what America is all about.

And if this diary were to have a theme, it would be this, this is my diary, and if you agree with something I write here, cool, if you don't, move on. I really don't want to hear how you don't understand how I can feel the way I do, about any issue, or you how you feel so differently, and you want to tell me all about it.

Bottom line, I'm not interested in your dissent. Start your own diary. Talk to people who want to know how you feel. This is my diary. You are the voyeur. And really, what are you doing reading other people's diaries anyway???

Cost of the War in Iraq
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