Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 / 2:07 p.m.

~Dissent Is Patriotic~

If you can see this, if you have a television that is capable of receiving C-SPAN, I recommend you stop reading diaries and turn it on, turn on C-SPAN, and watch the symposium, currently under way at Washington's American University, called by Veterans Against War On Iraq. It's educational and extremely important in its informative value.

I just listened to a retired Rear Admiral speak on the injustice of this war, a former War Planner and Veteran of every war since WWII, speaking out, telling us all how patriotic dissent really is, how lack of dissent indicates a dicatorship, and how we pay George Bush's salary, he works for US, he is OUR employee, he is the CCO of the Military, not of this country.

I'd be protesting in my city but for a really upsetting and unsettling incident which occurred end of of my work day yesterday, which, coupled with the onset of menstruation and obvious hormonal flux, sent me home crying until there were no more tears to fall. I didn't eat, I slept on the sofa, my job is in question and I spend the rest of this weekend in angst over what must happen on Monday when I return. A lot is up in the air. And when I got up and looked in the mirror after morning urination I saw my eyes and began to cry again. My entire weekend has been ruined.

But you know, this is not about me and my job and whether or not I can find another one, or will need to, or I can afford to feed myself and pay my rent, but it's about the United States reigning down weapons of mass destruction in all their precision upon a country which posed no threat and did not attack us, causing devastation, destruction and death, for no just cause.

And Aimee, if you read this, the head of the Vietnam Veterans Against War, Bobby Muller, spoke for a lengthy and extremely fascinating time, to explain the Bush Doctrine, and he spoke of what your husband Sean wrote of in his diary. He's right. Iraq is only the beginning.

There is so much to know right now, and the 'cheerleading' of the mainstream media is a disservice to the American people right now. Don't watch it. I recommend, or more likely plead with people to turn on television for the people, C-SPAN, and be educated. Seek out information, read, learn about the area we're invading (which also happens to be the cradle of civilization) and why, and speak out if you can.

If you're not wrecked, for any reason, get out today and protest. People have taken to the streets across the World today. If you can't get out, learn about what's going on, it's crucial right now.

I'm getting back to the Live Symposium now, there are more Vietnam Veterans speaking. Later is a newscast from France. Last night I watched newscasts from Russia and Israel before changing the channel to a movie. I couldn't take any more news. But today is about education, the background of what is going on. News comes later. And the day started with a light movie, "Chances Are", starring the delighful Robert Downey Jr.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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