Monday, Dec. 30, 2002 / 9:01 p.m.

~Email From My Past, Way Too Tired, and Stuff~

I just saw a very intriguing banner for a diary, but I'm not going to take the time to click on it.

I'm really tired, sort of beyond tired. Work was.... finish that sentence how you like.

I drove to town for Thai takeout, got enough for tomorrow and possibly the next day, which was the plan. Perfect. I'm full, and I know that if I lie down that's that. I have this issue with being horizontal. Vertical means awake, horizontal means asleep. I'm listing just thinking about it....

I got email from Vladimir, and for the fun of it I'll post a picture of us together, from June of '99, in D.C. to protest the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia:

He attached himself to me, but that was in the stars. I had this amazing horoscope for that weekend, love was in the air, but he was the one who sat with me on the bus. Funny how that works, it's like the love potion that you're ready to give to the one you love, but then someone comes along and says, "Hey, what what?" and drinks it instead.

I liked him, really, but he didn't speak much English, and as I say, he attached himself, like glue. I was literally almost running to get away. I needed to be on my own. But in the end it was nice to have a buddy, and I was glad a Serb was with us, to let people know that all kinds of people oppose war, even the supposed enemy. He meant well, certainly, he couldn't help it if he found me amazingly attractive and charming.

And I might have been more receptive if he hadn't been married!

Now, for the hell of it, here's a picture of Gurdnest, just because she's lovely in it:

I have a LOT of pictures on disk from when I was taking a lot of pictures. How's that for a sentence? I would get my film developed and request a Kodak picture disk too. I've been meaning to take the prints and put them in a new album, and part of me feels it's futile because I no longer remember the dates, but I shouldn't let that keep me. I have some great pictures of the girls, if I do say so myself, and of protesting, etc. Makes me want to go to D.C. after all. I know that if I go this time it will be Sandy attaching himself. I think he has some feelings for me, more than I have for him.....

Here's something I wrote from work today, for the hell of it, everything being for the hell of it right now. I think I'm going to take a bath and get in bed.

~You Should've Seen Those Pants, Or Was It What Was Inside?~

If a label is required, I'm straight. If I'm going to have sex (pshaw, like THAT will ever happen!), I'll have it with a man. But holy moly, I just came in from outside, back to work from lunch, and this woman held the door for me, I mean she let it shut, turned to see it shutting, felt some sort of obligation to have held it for me, turned around and re-opened it so I wouldn't have to 'swipe' my badge, I said, "Thank you", of course, and she walked ahead of me, a young girl in tow (her daughter?), and she had on these tight off-white pants� The woman, not the little girl, okay? Tight, and as she walked I could see between her legs, the pants separated her ass almost completely. She must've had on a thong, or maybe nothing at all, which always makes me think, hey, aren't you getting your juices all over the crotch of your pants? Won't you have a wet spot by the end of the day? Or earlier?

And maybe I wasn't attracted to her at all, not exactly, maybe I was just appreciating a spectacular visual right in front of me. Like the Mona Lisa had dropped down in front of me and I had to take note. Or maybe a sunset of purple and orange and red. Some things you just have to notice. And maybe, too, I would eat her right up, but I'm not feeling particularly sexual lately, it's just that she was wearing these tight pants, sort of stretch-y, and she had this amazing body, and this long ponytail, and she walked back to open the door for me (extra points!), and she had this little girl with her, this little girl with this twisted ponytail that was extremely cool, and the two of them were incredibly beautiful and had this amazing posture, this amazing presence, and if either of them would've turned and flashed a big white smile I would be passed out on the floor right now. That's all.

That ass, all separated like that, no vpl (visible panty lines) of any kind, it was a mystery, it was an amazing sight, truly.

Before all of that, before I was caught so totally off guard, and my eyes were drawn to a stranger's crotch (what do you call an ass crotch?), I was coming in from outside, where it is sunny and warm, somewhere in the 60s. I was home at lunch, chasing Norman around from room to room, wrestling with her on the floor, checking email on my computer, stroking Gurdys' fur in the sunshine coming in from the sliding glass door. Picking up Norman and squeezing her until she made that noise, that "mmrmrrrmmmph" sound. It was great. It made me happy, even taking the trash to the dumpster. But then I saw those people throwing away all those boxes of office paper and I got mad inside.

It's recyclable, you fools, take it somewhere appropriate�

Why, if I were in charge� everything would be different. But then I couldn't complain.

Work. I'm at work. It's busy, it's actual work, I feel I'm really earning the mere pittance I'm being paid. The phone calls have come fastly and furiously all day, so far, and the callers are of the lowest denominator, common or otherwise. Whooo weeee, they are some kind of stupid. One guy was asking me for a phone number, and when I asked if he had a pen he replied in gangsta rap lingo, er, Ebonics, whatever, "Yehyeh". I don't know, I think you had to be there, but this guy watches WAY too much "Yo, MTV Raps". He and his brother changed their addresses with me and they sounded like parodies of young urban black men. It was comical, really. (No, that's not an example of stupidity, I know that, they could be Rhodes fucking scholars for all I know.)

I should really be more tolerant of that language, whatever it's called, but it sounds so much like a bastardization of English that it pisses me off to hear it. I love English too much to appreciate the offshoots. Yet again, I play around with English so much one would think I'd love to hear different variations - maybe I just have something against 'gangsta rappers'.

Work is busy, too busy.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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