Friday, Oct. 03, 2003 / 1:33 p.m.

~One Minute Forty-Five Seconds!!!~

Yes, I can be a bit obsessive compulsive, and anal retentive too, as I like to say, "Hi, I'm an obsessive compulsive anal retentive cynical optimist. And your name was...?" I've been worried that I wrote in here, somewhere, yesterday, day before, that I 'ring my hands'. Did say that? I might wring them, but not ring, except on those rare occasions when I apply jewelry to the digits thereon. I was mildly freaking out, "Oh no, did I write 'ring'? People are going to think I'm so fucking stupid! No, wait, no one reads my diary anymore, I check, and this is good, it's what I wanted, right? Right, yes, it is, but all the web searchers who stroll in, they just skim, they back right on out, stats tell the story, no worries, correct it later."

That was the internal dialogue.

It's beautiful outside, again, ho hum, always beautiful, how many days in a row now? But it's cool-ish. It's only 61.

We had a Fire Drill at work today!!!! My first at that job, in nearly 6 years of being employed there, SIX YEARS, that's gross, yes? Like when I say it's been almost THREE YEARS since I had sex. Even grosser. But yes, fire drill, whee, fun, and the new Site Manager got on the intercom to tell us all, in his radio announcer most pleasant voiced way. And we exited promptly, as he told us, rather gleefully I thought (dude needs to get out more - I know, I'm one to talk, right?!), "We made it out in one minute and forty-five seconds!". Grrrreat!

Fun, fun. But we was chilly, and I'd just bet I had the nipple boners going on, but I wasn't quite looking.

I grabbed my backpack and my Walkman, as there was time. If it had been an actual emergency? Still would've, only after I saw H. grab her purse. Well, unh huh, YOU have time, by god I have time too.

I just ate that tuna that comes in the pouch, the albacore, all white meat, no water, in the flavor sealed pouch, easy peasy, really. Mixed with some mayo and capers, a little Lemon Herb seasoning, schmeared it on some whole wheat. Dayum! Super good.

Super. We don't say super enough. "Hey, thanks, that's super!"

Or how about, "Thanks dude, that's super!"

Two slang terms in one sentence. Two slangs?

I have energy, but I must go now, back to work, from the abode. Kiss, kiss to kitties, knapsack on my back, val de reeeeee, val de raaaaaaa.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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Run, Kitty, Run!

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It Was 40 Years Ago Today - 9:44 a.m. , Friday, Oct. 12, 2012

Dead Black Cat - 9:07 a.m. , Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2012

As Seen From Outer Space - 1:07 a.m. , Saturday, Dec. 05, 2009

I Survived to Tell the Tale - 7:29 a.m. , Friday, Sept. 18, 2009

Reading My Life - 12:55 p.m. , Saturday, Sept. 12, 2009

Happy Kitty

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