Friday, Sept. 12, 2003 / 7:05 p.m.

~On a High Energy Day, a Bomb Salad, and Johnny and John~

I think it was a good day. The weather was lovely, it still is, and there was that odd and welcome breeze behind the office building this morning, like we're at the beach, and still I expect to hear seagulls, smell ocean air. And I got one of McD's 'new salads' for lunch, the chicken ranch, and it was 'the bomb', as Veronica likes to say. "Gurrrrrrrrlllllllll!!!!! That salad is the BAWMB!" So I told Jane and Q I had the 'bomb salad', and I said "Girl, that salad is the bawmb!", but Veronica is out of town, so I couldn't tell her.

It's been nice with her out, yesterday and today. She is so dominant, so very loud, so very 'present', that when she is not there the dynamic is shifted, totally. Kukla was more outgoing, Penelope too, and Q felt crappy, has the 'comingdownwithsomething' thing I avoided. She's not sure she can take Echinacea with her blood pressure medicine, but I took it, with my regular vitamins, and Vitamin C, 1000 MG, every day, and I wiped it out. I felt the fever, day before yesterday. I sat with it, I felt my blood boil it out, whatever 'it' was. I think (knocking wood...) I got it, I mean I wiped it, I knocked it out, before it took hold. I love Echincacea.

But Jane was on my page, on my wavelength, and by the end of the day, our idiot Manager (M) mysteriously absent, and H., the Supervisor, leaving early for her beauty salon appointment (she made Q cancel her doctor's appointment because it conflicted with her beauty appointment - gah!), we were free! We did our own little 'booty slapping' dance, and laughed and danced and were silly as two women over 40 can be. I tried to get Q to slap her booty just once, but she wouldn't. I gave her the sex toy web site address too, and she wouldn't even write it down.

And D., who used to work in our department, was visiting us as she had nothing to do in her own department, and end of the day we were all discussing the variations in penises we have known (spurred by a conversation about the Computer Dude's package - which I've not noticed actually - they say it's huge, and very visible, always - I said he must go commando, no underwear, but who cares). She finally said, "I've had enough of this dick talk, I gotta go!", and I wished her good sex with her husband.

Now, the girls are fed, the N and the G cats, and the sun is still shining, the Champa incense is burning. I want some Merlot and some microwave cheddar popcorn, and the last two installments of my "The Reality of Reality" series (last night's repeated, and tonight's - missed it last night so I could watch yet another 'reality' show, "Temptation Island", which is getting better, as always is the case) on Bravo. I'll open windows and turn on fans shortly. And tomorrow I'll go see "American Splendor". That's the plan anyway.

Today was high energy day, and let it all slip off day, don't hold on to any of it. And I printed out the government application form, from .pdf file, and it looks good. I need to fill it out and find out where to send it, then worry about the interview, if they've already filled the job, and wonder if they hire me, if they'll let me have off to go to D.C. This is bad, but part of me wants to stay at my crappy job because of days like this. Look at D., she came to sit with Kukla, because she had no work to do, and she sat and read her novel all day! And got paid. And I can sit and read my EWs, or novels, listen to Johnny Cash tributes on college radio, and it's okay. It's good even.

Could I do that working for the police department? I kind of doubt it. Same amount of money.

Aside from all the PMS hormonal flareups we have amongst us, the times when management insists on subjugation, well, it's not bad. Duh. If it were, I wouldn't have been there 5.5 years. As one of my favorite aphorisms goes, "Six of one, half dozen of the other". Same shit, different job. We'll see. We shall see.

Rest in peace, Johnny. And John Ritter too. Damn, he seemed healthy and vital, that one. Johnny lived hard though. I'm not surprised college radio played his music all day. In the past few years Johnny Cash became really popular amongst the college kids, the alterna rockers, etc. And rightfully so. Cash even released a Nine Inch Nails cover recently. Amazing. So it was bittersweet that I put on my headphones and heard him singing "We'll meet again" this afternoon... "I don't know where, I don't know when, but we'll meet again some sunny day..." Every word he sang sounded so filled with life.

And from one of his live performances at a prison (Folsom prison?), the intermittent pages for prisoners to head to the reception area, he sang about why he wears black.... "I wear the black for the poor and beaten down, for the prisoner..." And you hear those words and think yeah, he knew that, he knew all of it. It was all his life.

They played "Ring of Fire" of course, and I imagine they'll play more later, if they're not right now. 71 seems young, but he lived a long life. Damn, it made me so sad to hear he went. John Ritter too, but that was more shocking, sort of unbelievable, sort of harder to grasp. And he doesn't have a music catalog to listen to. Ah well.

Time to proceed with my evening, I suppose.

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