Sunday, Oct. 12, 2003 / 11:07 p.m.

~Just the Idea of Guac Chips Dipped in Guac, Extra Tequila and Lime~

A few minutes ago the Kravitz-head cat was sitting on the floor licking a stuffed mouse when the other one, the Norman cat, pounced on top of her and did a forward somersault over her head. It was classic. And a very athletic maneuver for a 13 year old. Cat, that is. Now G is drifting into a nice snooze with her mouse next to her face. Aw... say it with me... Awwwwwww. Too cute. Cats are fun.

I see, or I read, that the conjoined twins are going to be okay, or so it seems so far. I slept to BBC America last night, and woke in the middle of the night, or perhaps early morning to their news program, just as the Baghdad car bombing (it was a car, wasn't it?) was happening, all 'Breaking News', and 'This Just In' sort of stuff, and I drifted in and out of sleep, dreaming about the surgery of these poor little kids, how they'd slice their heads apart, all gingerly and expertly and everything. Very technical and fascinating, not gross at all. I must've been a medical student in the dream.

I definitely have the increased appetite thing going. I feel like I ate all day. And I hardly wanted to stop. I've already had some of the crankiness, the depression, just after the intense sexual period, the ovulation portion. We're moving right into the non-fertilization portion, and then the PMS, all this coming week, culminating in the sloughing period, the 'period' period. Oh the joy.

But the point was, yeah, I could eat and eat. I had to stop at just two pastries today, or really I think it was a cookie and a pastry. The pastry was sort of a baklava in a tube shape, with more honey, and a cookie like a wedding cookie, or I'm not sure how you'd call it, butter cookie, with lots of powdered sugar on top. And there is one spice cookie left, sort of calling out to me, but I'm going to save it. I need to get to a Greek restaurant soon. There's a Greek pizza place in town, one I used to go to actually, where they put Greek olives, Kalamatas, on the pizza, and feta cheese, and really good shaved Italian sausage. Oh god, Greek pizza! They must have pastries too...

I finished all the Home Bistro food. I ate the Tarragon Chicken appetizer today, and it was good, could've been better (I wouldn't have chosen beef broth for the sauce myself), but it was good. I cooked the puff pastry longer this time, so it turned out much better. I think my oven is not well calibrated, thusly not as hot as indicated, so I have to turn it up a notch higher. And as I'm writing this I'm realizing I've not really baked since I've lived here. I've cooked a casserole or two, a lasagna or three, but I seldom use the oven anymore. Just for heating things up really. I've never baked a cake in it, or a cheesecake, or a pie, or even a quiche, so I think I don't know its quirks, its idiosyncracies, too well.

Today was much like yesterday, a day full of non-accomplishments, just as I like it. It's only later I hate myself for not doing anything. For now I'm happy I rested. I watched all my "GL"s on tape, and they were good, and "The Bachelor" on tape from Wednesday, and it was good, and comical. I think it's fun to watch just to say, "THANK GOD I'm not like those women!", and to squirm at the sound of Bachelor Bob smooching up all the women. Slurp, slurp! Ewwwwww. Really turns me off the whole sex thing.

And something else, it turns out I like the new "Tarzan" show. It was really good tonight. Seriously. Who knew?! And they killed off Jane's detective boyfriend. Wow. Killing a major character in the second episode is pretty serious. Smacks of poor contract negotiations. Or bad co-star chemistry, or something worse. Big surprise though, had me sitting all gasp-y on the sofa, hand to my mouth. Awed and amazed. And the Travis dude, the Tarzan dude, he has nice hair. That's about it. I think it's Jane I'm into. She's a good actress. I like her character's conflicts.

Oh, oh, something else, Doritos Guacamole flavored corn chips? Good. Like really good. What would be really good is to fix up some good guac, lots of lime and cilantro, good fresh avocados and tomatoes, and maybe some little chiles, or some Hungarian wax peppers, and dip the Guac Doritos into the actual guac! Lots of shots of tequila standing by, or just some cool cerveza. Extra limes... Mmmmmm...

I recommend.

Still nothing from the activist organizers, no confirmation of receipt of my check, which is pissing me off, but there's time. I just don't think it would kill them to drop me a line, you know? I sent them extra and everything, my little donation to the cause. They need to say, Yes, why yes, we received it, you have a seat on the bus, all is well, see you then, etc., and peace and love. Wouldn't kill them. I think they're disorganized in their attempt at new organization. Bah!

I wanted to go back to the Greek Fest again today (sidetracking here), but I knew I'd spend more money, potentially a lot of money, and it's funny because one of my horoscopes told me I would be worried about my financial situation, but that I shouldn't be because my financial situation is quite good, which, well, it's not bad, I'm damned frugal in spite of my habit of impulse shopping (I think it's just the calm before my Visa bill arrives), and that I should take myself out to lunch, which had me thinking I should definitely go back for more lamb and tzatziki, and pastries and some more Greek trinkets, some iconography or clothes or something. But I'm glad I didn't. There's always next year.

Aw, G's making out with her mouse again, licking and sniffing the catnip therein. Loves my girls, I do. We've had loads of quality time this weekend, but no play time. I need to play with them, don't I? Must work on that.

Well, it's over, that's it, the weekend is officially done. Time to get in bed and see what movies are on. It's not a real Sunday night if I don't stay up 'til way past too late watching old movies on cable.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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