Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2002 / 1:25 p.m.

~My Baby~

I just got a card in the mail from Hermione. Enclosed is a recent picture of little Lilly, my best girl, my baby. I want to look at it all day and just be happy. Four years ago she was born. Four years ago I was pining for Terrence, I was being shuffled around in my relatively new job, and Hermione had her labor induced. Her plans for a home birth were foiled and she was so mad.

She had a Ceasarian, in hospital, and I saw her the next day, held little Lilly, a hot bundle of baby. I called her by her real name, her birthname, just learning to pronounce it correctly, not wanting to forget it. I wanted to take her home with me.

She's the best baby, but now she's being influenced by so many external factors, I wouldn't even know her, not anymore. But I want to laugh when she calls me "Abigail" again. I want to watch videos and giggle and play with her toys.

Her birthday is Saturday and I'll miss it. She's out West now. I sent her a card just now, just mailed it, just came home and found one from Hermione, with photo. I sent photos too, from her birthday last year, and I hope she looks at them and remembers me. My girl. My little baby, Lilly.

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I Survived to Tell the Tale - 7:29 a.m. , Friday, Sept. 18, 2009

Reading My Life - 12:55 p.m. , Saturday, Sept. 12, 2009

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