Thursday, Jan. 02, 2003 / 6:41 p.m.

~Not Much to Look at Here~

Major low blood sugar 'attack' at end of day still has me feeling a bit drained. It feels like I have no blood in my veins, or that's how I like to describe it. I ate chocolates, several, in rapid succession, and now I'm thinking Shu Mai, or popcorn. My diet is not always the best. Maybe more eggs with cream cheese.

I really hate when 'strangers', people I don't even know via the Interweb, people I don't know at all, drop by my diary or my journal and leave some critical comment. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth, it sticks in my craw, it hangs in my memory, it's like someone trying to pick a fight and running away. That's exactly what it feels like. This time it happened there, not here. It pisses me off, and no doubt people know that. About me, that it pisses me off. Leave a little pissy note and run away, that'll do it.

Imagine if that's how you get your jollies, by doing that to people. Such a life.

Now I feel terribly defensive, and I'm blowing it all out of proportion. It was nothing, but it's a stranger, and strangers have no right to jump in and say their peace. Because it's usually not peaceful.

Drained of blood, that's how I feel. How is it I'm typing?

Coming home after work was SO glorious. Putting on my flannel pants and wool socks, rolling around on the rug with the girls, pulling on tails and squeezing cat tummies. Too great.

Work was work.

It's raining outside.

That's it, that's all I have. I'm all drained, and pissy from this person's inane comment on my journal. I'll get over it, no doubt, soon, and I'll eat some food, and strangely enough, tomorrow is Friday! Next week the confusion ends.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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