Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2003 / 8:18 p.m.

~On Unintended Insults and My Shows and the News and How I Can't Type, and Stuff~

The new temp says she doesn't think I look like I eat at all. I don't think it's very nice when people tell a skinny person how skinny she is. You'd never tell a fat person how fat she is, would you? "Hey, you look like you eat a LOT!!! You some fat, you know?!"

Yes, I eat, or I would be dead. Duh. It's genetics, stupid.

Training the new temp has become pure torture. She doesn't catch on to anything. Horrible, really, truly. I'm not even sure she's typed before.

"Gilmore Girls" has so many pop culture references. You can't blink, or blink your ears, or let your mind wander for even a second, it's rapid fire pop culture, and good solid morals. What more could a person want? Entertainment, conscience, pop culture. I'm a pop culture junkie, so for me, yeah, like it, love it.

Hey, new temp woman, I want to keep eating tonight, and I've already eaten! So there! Jesus, people, I'm skinny, yeah, give it a rest. This is the way I look, it's not nice to point it out to me, I already know. Besides, under my clothes I'm actually kinda curvy.

Okay, favorite lines from "Gilmore Girls" tonight: "What the hell are raisins doing in the salad? Why can't people leave well enough alone?!" and "Not the ladle, Jess, it's a brand new ladle! Take the baster!" I know, you had to be there, but it's such a good show. I just love my shows.

Don't I sound like the crazy cat lady recluse down the street, in the big house with all the windows shuttered?

Oh, there was a great cat 'merge' thing tonight. I was on the sofa, my knit blanket, aka 'throw', was covering my lap and the space next to me on the sofa, so the girls could sit with me, and Norma was just about to join me, on my left. I was giving a little pat to my lap, sort of, "Come here, little Sheba", and Gladys approached on my right, on the floor, wanting to jump up. The lap patting continued, however slight and gentle, and I looked at Norman on my left, Gladysn on my right, and wondered who would make the move, and they BOTH did, almost simultaneously, and what do you think happened?

Is the suspense killing you?

Why, Norman edged out Gladysn, as she is ALPHA CAT, she is NUMBER ONE FELINE, CHAT SUPREME. Of course. She is a year older, she took control of the lap region, no looking back. She stood her ground and Gladys was forced to renegotiate, to walk around the knee area (my knees), and get to the sofa portion.

I know, I know, no one will appreciate any of this, and that is why (say it with me) It's Only A Diary.

Man, if that stupid singing show, that American Idolatry crap, edges out "Gilmore Girls", right out of the ratings, because people love to listen to bad singing, well, there is no justice. But we already know there is no justice.

I am having immense difficulty typing right now. It's almost impossible, like I cannot hit the right keys, it's just backspace, backspace, backspace, and "24" is on, and it's one of my favorite shows. I love my shows, remember? Crazy cat lady, recluse, shuttered windows??

What is it with "24" and torture scenes? Graphic violence, my eye.

And who knew Racetrac, the gas station, has chef salads for sale? And they're fresh and good? I just wanted a lottery ticket or two, and there were these salads and sandwiches, really good looking ones, not crappy with iceberg lettuce and old veggies. From a local bakery, but still, yeah, good. Dinner. Mmmm.....

One more random thing, the CBS Evening News. I always respected Dan Rather, until his post 9/11/01 warmongering on Letterman, even with the tears shed for effect. And what's with his hair? He used to have this great long wavy hair, and now it's this modified crew cut thing. But my point is, I cannot stand the news lately. They mention this tape that 'experts believe to be Osama Bin Laden' talking, right? Then, as they talk about what he's saying on the tape, they suddenly say, "Bin Laden says....", when previously they said experts 'think' it's him. Aarrrrgggggh. They are upping the fear factor to the point that it's gone too far. The manipulation is over the top. At least they also mentioned some recent poll in Britain that concluded most people there think the U.S. is the greatest threat to world peace.


And Amen.

And "24" just had a scene in which the Koran was defended and fundamentalist extremists were blasted. Excellent. Islam is not the enemy.

All of a sudden I have things to say, but I still can't type. It's the wine. The bottle will be gone in another day or two, so no worries for future typing, but for now, I must go.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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