Sunday, Dec. 01, 2002 / 8:26 p.m.

~Potentially Very Slow Loading Due to Photos of My Kitchen~

According to my computer I was not online. I did think I heard dialing while I was watching "Dog Days", but it seemed part of the show - they were in a store, and I thought sure, someone in the store is sending a FAX or something.

So I came in here to listen to her message again, making sure she said she'd be home all day today, wondering why she hadn't called yet, and she'd left another message, minutes before! But I wasn't online, how was it possible? I was online, but my PC didn't indicate I was. Fookin' freaky as heck! (Aw, remember what's her name from "Survivor"? "Oh my heck!" - that phrase came and went fast!)

I called her back, she said she has a boy's and a girl's version of that same bike, the Stingray, and they were gifts from a man who refurbishes bikes to give to kids, for some church. She changed the year on me, said it's from 1967, but when she met me outside (and holy moly, it's COLD outside!) she gave me a sincere hug, she was SO thankful I found it, I was giving it back to her.

She said it was stolen from in front of her apartment - well, what was it doing in front? She needs to keep it inside, but I didn't tell her that. She was with some guy who sort of just stood there, watching us talk about the bike. I told her I'm 41 and I had a bike almost just like it when I was 10 - that's 1971, people. Yep. I don't know, it was weird. She had written REWARD twice on the note, but then she asked me to tell her how much I wanted, and that's just crazy. Of course I said nothing. Don't worry about it.

She said if there's ever anything I need I should call her up. I do have her number, and her apartment number, but I said, "Nah, don't worry about it, I just can't believe someone left it at the dumpster.", and I wanted to say, "Merry Christmas to one and all" or something, like they do in the movies, but I just said, "Have a good Holiday!", thinking maybe she's Jewish, or Muslim, although I doubt it. See? I was actually trying to be politically correct. I'm glad it's gone, the bike.

I went to put my rent check in the apartment office drop box, and I couldn't believe how cold it is. My LiveWeatherBug says 32 degrees, there in my taskbar. Yeah, that's about right. Freezing, literally.

So I took another picture of the bike, I wanted to get the seat. Allow me to post that here:

Can you see how sparkly the seat is? I think she could tell I was drooling when I gave it back. I was going on and on about the chrome over the tires, the seat, the handlebars, how I used to have one like it, how much it might be worth, etc. I'm a nut, I know. I wonder what she thought.... hey, at least she didn't have to pony up the reward money. I wonder how much she'd planned to give someone..... I'll never know.

I also took pictures of my beautiful kitchen. Here's one of my bottle collection:

And this is where the "Mammies" used to be, but are obviously no longer:

You think I'm crazy, don't you, for posting these here? Well, why not? I posted pictures of my bathroom after I cleaned it, I've been meaning to put these here since I cleaned the kitchen - it will be fun to come back and look at all this months from now.

This next shot is one of my counters, the one which previously held the spinning spice rack, which is now boxed up and ready to donate to Salvation Army, or whoever wants it. It's very cluttered, but fun to look at. The tomatoes look pretty good in the picture, and the stuff in the right foreground is destined for the top of the fridge if I ever clean it....

I love to look at my counters now, just sort of stand in the kitchen, hot mug of tea in my hands, and look around.

More? I wonder how long it will take for this page to load????

Okay, this next shot features my beautiful KitchenAid mixer that I never use, but love to look at. I have used it, a couple times, but not in the past several years. David gave it to me for my 30th birthday. Nice, huh? And notice the spice rack on the wall, that's more my style, out of the way, streamlined, not bulky and spinning. And, you can see my tins, my bottles, my garlic! The garlic braids were purchased at the Gilroy Garlic Festival, the small one in 1986, the larger one in 1990. I'd love to go back....

I almost threw in the shot of the stove, but that's too much. It's to the right of the previous picture. It has two teakettles sitting on it, one I use, one I never have, but can't bear to get rid of. It was a gift. I'm so sentimental it's stupid.

"Dog Days" was SO good tonight! I watched two episodes from the marathon, ending with the wedding of Cherry and Atticus. Awwww, too cute! Really. And I cried when Scott found out Atticus has a heart condition and may not have long to live. (Atticus is a huge black Great Dane, and Cherry is a little Jack Russell, or actually she's big for a Jack Russell, but compared to Atticus, she's little.)

Now I can relax. The bike is back where it belongs. But I'm way out of sorts. Way. I've hardly talked to anyone since Wednesday. The cashier at Sam's Club yesterday, the bike lady on the phone and briefly in person today. And I'm having trouble remembering what day it is. I'm really confused. It's sort of Friday for me, as I have off tomorrow and Tuesday, like a Saturday and Sunday, so I'm trying to relax, to realize I've got plenty of time, for whatever, but I know everyone else is getting ready to go back to work tomorrow. So, right, it feels really weird. I feel weird.

I'm trying to get over it.

Plus, I've done not much more than sit on my ass on the sofa all day, mostly waiting for this bike lady to call, and mostly watching "Guiding Light"s, and later "Dog Days". I need some structure. I know I could get used to this again, living without structure, but for now it's very unsettling.

I'm also just starting my period, so I know the hormonal shift has a lot to do with it. As in, if this were a normal Sunday night I would still be feeling weird, but normal weird.

Maybe I'll download some music, watch some of "Star Trek II"...

Cost of the War in Iraq
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