Tuesday, Jul. 22, 2003 / 6:55 p.m.

~Next Time I'm Taking Notes~

Sure, now that it's all rain drenched and cooler outside, the a/c is working so well I feel I almost need long pants on instead of shorts. Almost. It's nice to be a bit chilly for a change. And last night I was dreamily thinking of Autumn, of how I can't wait, but I will.

I almost sat through the entire CBS Evening News just now, even through the commercials for that anemia-reducing drug for chemotherapy patients (might cause diarrhea and edema though, which doesn't sound too good to me - the diarrhea will just cause dehydration and even more weakness, and the edema could be fatal, right?, blood clots, right?), and the other drugs, I think I've forgotten their names now, but it was with cynical eyes. And is Joie Chen a lesbian? Not that there would be anything wrong with that...

And that Byron guy, Byron Pitts? He's still in Baghdad, or maybe he comes and goes? Do the journalists fly in and out? How does that work? Have they all been there since the Invasion? They ended the 'Ding, dong, the wicked sons of Saddam are dead!' segment with a money shot of our man Byron (remember him on September 11, 2001?) crouching on a Baghdad rooftop, at night, missiles lighting the darkened sky like fireworks. Good job, dude. Way to illustrate danger! Right on!

Oy, the Jessica Lynch thing, got to be delicate here, but she's manufactured. Like a boy band, I'm thinking. Young, blonde, cute, American soldier, injured in 'action', taken 'hostage' in hospital, er, cared for by Iraqis in hospital, dangerously 'rescued' in middle of night, witness DOD green suveillance tape footage, yep, proves it, and now? Riding in a convertible, waving to the crowd like a Princess, or Miss West Virginia at least. Newly medaled uniform in lieu of sash.

And wasn't yet another soldier actually killed today? Again? "Bring them on!" is right. Yeah, they're brought on.

Oh, oh, and the scenes of the kids in Monrovia with rifles? Who's supplying them? That was all I could think when I saw what appeared to be teenaged boys with huge assault rifles - where did they come from? And the Congressional investigation into the preventability of the terrorist attacks on that day in the ninth month of '01? Pronounced all wrapped up? Key info linking Arabs to US intelligence left out, er, for intelligence reasons? Unh huh. And who do they interview saying he's not so sure this is a good thing, that it's those assholes covering their assholes? None other than Democratic Presidential Candidate for 2 aught aught 4, Bob Graham. Hmmmm... Can't we hear from someone who is like, NOT running for office?

I had more, but I lost it. My mouth is filled with garlic. I sprinkled some powder on my leftover (the last, thank god) Fusilli with Bolognese sauce, along with some Parmeggiano Reggiano (two 'g's in both?), freshly grated (shit's expensive!), and plenty of freshly ground multicolored pepper, and yes, salt. Yesterday I added the last of the tomato paste and beef broth, and some more white wine, and it ended up needing more salt. Crazy. Maybe it wasn't as salty as I'd remembered. Either way, three days is too many to eat the same thing. This is why I hate cooking, I cook too much. Otherwise, love it.

I really feel like I had more to say, but I cannot remember. Sometimes I take notes, especially if I'm at work, just topics I want to cover in my daily diatribe, but today, it's all temporary and fleeting. Even what I just saw on the news. Gone. Poof! Moby's written some really good political stuff in his online journal lately, stuff I want to quote - he tries not to be too political, but he's criticizing Bush again, and he's so damned eloquent. Articulate? I link to him at the bottom of this page - click on his photo and you, too, can read his writing. His is one of my all time very favorite online journals. Or any journals really, as I don't read other people's journals offline.

Clearly I'm kind of tired, doing a load of laundry, waiting for "Big Brother 4" in a bit. Then that queer eye show, assuming there's a new episode tonight. Next week is the "Boy Meets Boy" show, should be on before the other - gay TV night! Fun, fun, fun. And tomorrow, the last episode of the best surfing show ever, and most likely the only surfing show. I'm really going to miss it.

Yep, I've got nothing. Next time I'll take notes.

***Amended to add this quote from Moby's journal entry of 7/20/03:

what the hell is happening to the united states? a president who is installed in office after losing the election
by 500,000 votes.
immigrants illegally detained by the justice department.
police state tactics on capitol hill.
a war waged under blatantly false pretenses.
military tribunals set up to try citizens of allied nations.
and so on.
republicans and the bush administration have no respect for the rule of law, and they've chosen to flount it
whenever due process and the rule of law have been inconvenient for them.
as a result of apathy on the part of the general public and unethical and totalitarian behavior on the part of
the republican lawmakers it's safe to say that these are dark times in the usa.

***********Wait! Here's more (this is where a blog comes in handy - wait, I have a blog!, but I'm going to put it here): Just reading Moby's newest journal entries - we are so much alike. He likes documentaries and has been seeing a few lately? I like documentaries and have been seeing a few lately! "Capturing the Friedmans"? He saw it, I saw it! "Spellbound"? He saw it, I saw it! He was in spelling bees as a kid (although he actually misspells it "bee's" in his journal!), I was in spelling bees as a kid! He's a nerd? I'm a nerd! He's supporting Kerry? Wait, I've been teetering, thinking of Dean, but I need to research. May change my mind, Mo makes a good case for Kerry. Moby and me. When oh when?

**********Third addendum, and does this make them addenda? Moby uses Netscape... I use Netscape! **Sigh**

Cost of the War in Iraq
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