Saturday, Nov. 16, 2002 / 4:18 p.m.


I came home at lunch yesterday (just to catch up from where we left off) to find the garbage disposal completely installed, the only signs someone had been here the dirt on the kitchen floor, the little rugs on the floor, the note saying he, 'Dan', apologized for getting my paper towels all wet and having to throw them away.

There are little pieces of, um, I don't know, sort of all over. I found a piece of rubber sticking out from under the mixer, on the counter across from the sink. Shit. Must've been crazy wack in here yesterday morning.

The cats met at the door, and they were telling me all about it this time, "Yeah, he came in here, the man did, and he was big, and he took everything out from under the sink, but we were scared to go look...", "Yeah, I think he was scared of us too! And shit went flying when he took off the old thing under the sink, and he went to reach for a paper towel, one with the kitties all over it, and they went into the sink, the WHOLE ROLL!!!", "Yeah, we was laffin', mawm, we was gigglin' and holdin' our tums on account of it was real funny!, "Yeah, and he was anxious to get out of here before you came home for lunch, on account of he knows you come home for lunch every single ding dang day".

Alright, kids, that's enough.

I honestly feel I need to scrub the whole kitchen now. Which I needed to do anyway, like for a couple years now. Turns out other people actually clean their homes regularly, like weekly or something, but I wait until I start to notice I need to clean. Then I forget, then I remember, and did I mention I got four new CDs in the mail yesterday?!

I like The Wiseguys! This is really good so far. Remember that one commercial, probably another Mitsubishi (who is doing their ad campaign anyway?, they're good!) car ad, with that song, "Start the Commotion"? Well, I read about it, the song, in EW, of course, as they've started printing little blurb-y articles with the names of the songs from popular commercials, and they said the album with said song is not that good. I thought, Oh, that's too bad, 'cause I like that song.

Well, Interweb slut that I am, I went online last week (last weekend, right?, one before?) and ordered the album, "The Antidote", by The Wiseguys, along with the soundtrack to "The Matrix", which I'd wanted since I saw the film, and Beck's "Odelay" and John Lee Hooker's 20 best of album, and here they are!

Now I'm just waiting for the Donovan album, the one with that song from the commercial, "Blue is the color of the skyyyyy ayyy ayyyy, when we rise, when we rise...". "Colors" is the name of it.

Interweb research. Find it, buy it, walk over to the mailbox, get it out, stick it on, ahhhhhhhhh. I think I'm really gonna like the new millenium.

Oh, I almost bought a new VCR yesterday, after work. Well, I looked. I walked over to the VCR section in Wal Mart, which is where I went after work to buy more paper towels, more Bounty kitty design paper towels just like the ones 'Dan' ruined, but was nice enough to apologize about ruining. I had to buy Little Debbies Christmas tree cakes, and Christmas tree brownies, and microwave popcorn, and you know, snacks and stuff, and vitamins too, but I cruised the VCR section, and I was frankly baffled.

Baffled, quite frankly. Sony? Panasonic? RCA? Toshiba? I don't fucking know!!! Probably any one would be better than the broken one I have, but I just don't know which one to get. The Sony is $90 and it's hi-fi, which I don't need, and of which I cannot take advantage, but there is always the future..... see? Wouldn't hurt to imagine a future in which a hi-fi VCR would be a good thing to have.

The Panasonic is $60, but not hi-fi. I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.

I came home, ate popcorn.

"Dog Days" is somehow on Friday nights now, instead of the Mondays from before. Who forgot to tell me? Why do channels do this shit? Move everything around? Just when you're getting used to a new show and liking it?? Like "MDs". I read in EW they're about to cancel it. So what do they do??? They fucking pull it from the lineup!! So the two or three of us who really liked the show can't even find it now! Of course they'll lose viewers, of course they'll pull it.

Fucking television executives. Let me at 'em!!!

Anyway. "Dog Days". I lurve that show. After that was a special episode of "Animal Precinct", which I never watch, anticipating heartbreaking tales of animal abuse, etc., but this show was all about the rescue of the housepets in NYC after September 11, 2001. I'd never considered it, I swear. And how is that?

People not only left their homes and never returned, on account of they died!, but others were evacutated from the area. They left, and police blockades prevented them from returning. Alas, their animals were left behind in their now very dusty, powerless apartments. No power, electricity, no a/c, just lots of gooshy dust and grime leaking in from the doors, the windows, etc. And cats, dogs, iguanas, guinea pigs, snakes, turtles, birds, left without owners, water, food, fresh air, companionship.

The cameras followed the folks from the ASPCA as they escorted owners back in, grabbed animals, took them to a mobile vet hospital, checked them out, got them their subcutaneous fluids, washed out their eyes, cuddled them comforted them, and the owners hugged and kissed the workers, shook their hands. It was so wonderful.

I fully expected at least one horror story, but the closest was the one woman who'd gone back to rescue her rabbits, guinea pigs, ferret, etc., and in the process had lost the dog who broke from her leash and ran. Yikes. Thank god there was no camera crew around to capture that on film! And let's hope poor Freckles found a good home, that she didn't starve on the dusty grimy streets.

After that was "Alice's Restaurant", which I alluded to in print recently, so it was destined to appear on my online cable guide. I had only seen it once before, I think, long ago, but it was great to see it again. Reminded me of my youth spent wishing I'd been born ten years earlier, wishing I could've been a hippie too. And my brother who loved Arlo Guthrie, gave me my one and only Arlo Guthrie album, who even grew his hair the same length and ended up looking a lot like him in the early '70s.

I remember loving that Joni Mitchell song that woman sings in the cemetary at the funeral towards the end. "Song For Aging Children"? I wonder if it's on a Joni Mitchell album... oh, god, here I go, I'll search for it online and order it and get another CD in the mail. Do I need help?

It's almost 5:00. I'm only just finishing my coffee. I would still be in bed, but I got up when I heard Norman throwing up, not wanting it to settle into the carpet and have a mess to clean later.... but guess where she was? She was throwing up on the linoleum in the bathroom!

Whoa! Is she learning? Wouldn't it be great if you could train an animal to throw up on linoleum only?

I need to clean the kitchen. I was going to do it last night, but Jesus if I'm not exhausted after work! What's THAT about? Work wears me out. So, today. Really. Er, I think. And I'm re-thinking putting the Mammies back on the counter. What if 'Dan' comes back and there they are? Will he hate me? Will he think I'm racist? I'm not, I swear, I just like them, they're fun. And the counter looks weird without them there, it's where they 'go'.

One more little thing over which to obsess. Ahhhh, that's what my life is all about. (Insert smiley emoticon here)

Cost of the War in Iraq
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