Friday, Feb. 21, 2003 / 7:19 p.m.

~Touching Base, But I Keep Going~

This is my first time online all day. And the first time I'm taking the time to be online at home, at night, all week. Of course, it's not comfortable. My shoulder is tense, the right one, the mouse using arm's shoulder. And Norman wants company, she's in the hall yowling as I type. Any second now she will jump up and ricochet off the wall.... as if she's climbing the wall.

Nope, she ran instead. Almost 13 years old and she's still climbing walls and running around like a crazy cat. Of course she sleeps hard too, but that's beside the point.

I talked to two people today who are willing to find me help for my computer, to fix it, that is. I've been trying to find meaning in Cainer's horoscopes lately and maybe I can ascribe this meaning, I've asked for help and I may get it.

The Payroll woman at work has learned a lot about computers from fucking up her own computer, and she is willing to share with me what she has learned. She's a very generous person, a bit chatty, and she has one of those sort of nasal-y Minnesota accents, but she was really into helping me, said she'd dig up her Windows 98 CD and help me re-install. Of course I'm really terrified I'll lose all my photos I took with my digital camera (yes, YES, I SHOULD have backed them up, we know this, now), so I'm not sure.

And then Brandy's (the woman formerly known as 'the new girl') friend, her 'Asian' friend, is an IBM tech help desk guy, and he can probably help too, or instead of. Now, now, nothing has happened yet, but I've thrown it out there, to people other than the snotty, ass wipe-y IT guys at work, or IS guys, Information Services, i.e. computer nerds, because they're asshole-y.

Oooh, my wrist hurts too. I think it's been a long week, but it's a blur now. Now is just odd pains as I sit here typing. This keyboard is wonky and very, very old, probably around 10 years or more, so I'm having to exert parts of my body that don't feel like being exerted.

I think I didn't update yesterday either, did I? And I owe people email, and I'm going to get to it, but not until tomorrow. I need a break from all computers tonight, I think.

TV's been good lately. Fun, garbage-y stuff (using lots of words with 'y's attached tonight). The finale of "The Bachelorette" was a shock, and assuming it wasn't too terribly scripted it was very romantic and sweet. I thought she'd never choose Ryan, the sweet firefighter who lives in Vail, a place she really doesn't want to live, over the seemingly perfect, possessing all the qualities she supposedly wanted, Charlie.

Chickie was smarter than I gave her credit for. I thought she was shallow, wanted the dude she continually let us know held the most sexual attraction for her. But no. She really did want love. Or so we are led to believe, as we assume 'reality television' is some form of actual reality. I taped the epilogue from last night, so I've yet to know any further details. Although the happy couple seems to be allowing themselves to be interviewed by anyone and everyone, whilst they smile and hold hands, happily.

I'm even watching the new Celebrity Fear Factor Survivor Show, the "Help, I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here!" or whatever, show. It's entertaining in a trainwreck sort of way. Or in a voyeuristic, totally unrealistic reality television show sort of way. And it's on consecutive nights, 15 of them, so you know I'll make that commitment.

I just remembered I was going to buy a lottery ticket at the store after work. Oh well.

How's this for irony? I just got a call on my CallWave Internet Answering Machine, a call from BellSouth offering me DSL service for cheap. The woman left me a message telling me how I could be talking on the phone at the same time I'm online. You do see the irony, yes? Yes.

Maybe it's cheap now, but after the incentive wears off it will be $45 a month, and I know this, and I haven't decided I want to afford it. Frugal me.

Speaking of which, I just deposited THREE paychecks tonight after work. I hold onto them every week. I hesitate to say this, or write it, but I don't need the money. Scary. I go to the store and buy things, whatever I want, usually, frugally, but not so frugally at the Farmer's Market, or Publix, or Wal Mart, and I don't even LOOK at the total. I just swipe my ATM card, type in my PIN, trying to hold the other hand over the keypad so no one can see it and do whatever it is they want to do, and I grab my bags and go.

The Supervisor at work, H., made it a point to tell us today that our call volume total for yesterday was............. 666.

Today we sent out................ 666 year end tax reporting statements. She was freaking out. Quincey had no idea what the significance is. She'd never heard of the markings on the devil. Or the sign of the devil, or whatever. How did she live to be 50something and not ever hear of 666?

Oh, and Michael Jackson? Whatever. Can we move on now?

What else? After drinking that big bottle of wine last week, and the week before, I think (it was a big bottle, it took days), I remembered how much I like to have wine around, so I bought some Cabernet Sauvignon at the store after work. I bought water, juice, wine, bath gel/soap stuff, and microwave popcorn. Strange combo, I know. And I find I like to say Cab Sav, instead of Cabernet Sauvignon.

When the cashier rang me up she looked at me intently. I realized she was gauging my age, and I really appreciate the gauging. She did about a triple take, trying to see if she needed to ask for my ID. She didn't. She knew it, I know it. I commented though, said, "I'm OLD!", because I think I am.

I stood chatting with Brandy on our second break today at work - we both wanted to get online, but both online PCs were occupied, so we stood jonesing, talking instead - and she must've flipped her hair, smiled, laughed her flirtatious laugh, and batted her long lashes with the yellow eyeshadow on the lids above about a hundred times! What the fuck? Is she flirting with me? I don't mind, but okay, here's what I just realized it was, we were standing in an area that's visible from the whole rest of the suite, or the other half anyway, and she knew this, and she was posing.

Aha! I think I knew it then too, but as I was remembering it I was thinking how odd it was. She's an odd bird. VERY self conscious. VERY physically self aware, and outrageously immature. If I didn't know she just turned 22 I'd think she's 18. Maybe younger.

That's a long story, I'm really tired of typing. I thought I might sit and write email and catch up on diaries, but that's going to have to wait. Later. Tomorrow, most likely, and maybe the 'Asian' computer geek can fix my other PC.... we shall see.

I am curious to see what's going on in the lives of my 'favorite diarists'.......

Cost of the War in Iraq
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