Thursday, Jan. 30, 2003 / 6:23 p.m.

~Television as Panacea and Intellectual Companion, and Coliseum Substitute~

I'm readjusting. Winding down from wanting to open doors just so I can slam them. Trying not to make racist remarks about the Latinos downstairs. Family is important to them, I know, and if they have a lot of it, family, and they all spill out onto the common areas, take up more than two parking spaces with their big dead pickup trucks, and play soccer in the parking lot in the middle of the day, causing big muddy soccer ball prints to show up on my car door, well, no need to hate. Right?

Grrrrrr....... how many of them live there anyway?! Ai yi yi!!!

I'm okay. We're a big melting pot here in the 'hood, I'm the minority, just need to relax. It's the misanthrope in me. It's not any one race, I just don't like encountering neighbors. I'm not always social. Okay, rarely. I want to come in and shut the door and shut out the world, I don't want to step over people on my way.

I woke up with a headache, I've had it all day. I'm tired of being sick. It seems like I should be well by now, but I'm holding at 75%. My supervisor has "it" now. She came in at noon, left at noon forty. The look on her face said it all.

Work is behind me, best to leave it there for tonight. If the headache will go away, and this font will get bigger..... all will be well.

I still think about the other computer, and fixing it, getting to the bookstore to peruse the computer books section, coming home with the perfect book with the perfect step by step instructions for fixing it, but I've not made anything happen yet. Hence, I hardly want to be here on this one.

Pause for phlegmy cough. When will it end?

On to TV, one of my favoritest subjects, as I am an entertainment junkie. The four season run of "Felicity", in syndication, every night the fulfillment of the previously had to wait an entire week for it episode, has been glorious and now it's over. Last night was the infamous wrap-up episode, the "Doh! It was just a dream!" episode, and it was bittersweet. I was reminded again what an excellent show it was. And how perfectly it ended. It could go on no longer, really. It's about college, and the people one meets there, the friendships forged, the love found, lost, found, and the glorious threesome that was Felicty/Ben/Noel, the 'triumverate' if you will. Or something.

Good, good writing, acting, lighting, set and production design, and did I mention writing and acting? Oh well. They're showing the "Twilight Zone" homage episode tonight (directed by one of the actual "Twilight Zone" episode directors), but after this I'm not sure what they'll show, if they'll start all over again or what. It will free up my previously quite occupied 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Friday time slot, which is ultimately good, but now I'll feel obliged to like, DO things. Ugh.

Last night's "The Bachelorette" was good clean fun. Oh, what a tangled web. Charlie's family has Trista figured out, and 'high maintenance' is most likely quite accurate. How can any of those schmoes actually hope to love this chick and be loved by her in return? It's TELEVISION, man, get a grip. But she made out with each of them, met their families, the lucky final four, and got rid of the most physically attractive one, or the one to whom I was most physically attracted. She got one look at his Manhattan 'studio' apartment and almost had a seizure.

No one to talk to at work. No one watches my shows, or is into politics, or anything I'm into. End of the day I got hit by some vicious attack of loneliness. But I'm okay. I talk to myself, it's all right.

Here's more good TV, "The Daily Show", and why haven't I made it appointment TV in the past??? I LOVE Jon Stewart, have since his MTV days. His take on the State of the Union address was hilarious last night! How could I have forgotten about the AIDS money Bush wants to send to Africa? And Jeff Greenfield says those hydrogen cars won't be ready for at least 15 years. It was great to listen to someone else who watched the Address, just catch up with people who are in the loop, even if they're on TV, they're no one I know personally, and I can't actually 'interact' with them. No, I'm not starved for intellectual companionship, I'll be okay. Really. I've got my TV, my books, my EW 'scrip. my cats, I'm good.

I think I'm going to take some Tylenol and read diaries. And watch "Star Search", "CSI", "ER", assuming they're not repeats. I might even do something constructive, like laundry... nah, that'll wait 'til the weekend.

Tomorrow we have a much deserved free lunch for the department, then we go out after work to celebrate Listerine's birthday, and I'm excited. I haven't been out to dinner in a while. Other than that, I've got nothing profound, or deep or even good. Just angsty crap, and physical discomfort. And lots of television as panacea.

Speaking of, one last note, the tag line before commercial breaks last night, on "The Bachelorette" was something to the effect of: "Who will be sent home with his ego shattered?!!! Stay tuned to find out!". Classic. Every time I heard it I howled with laughter. Yes, I howled. What a horrible thing to say to the American public. Who are we, this American Public, that we are entertained by such horrors as shattered egos?? We are no better than Romans watching lions slaughter prisoners. Hence the popularity of that show I refuse to watch, one "American Idol".

**Addendum to note yet one more thing, surprisingly not TV related. On my way home at lunch today I got behind a car going about 40mph, and this is in a 65mph zone, on the Interstate, and its hazard lights were flashing. I got over to pass it and saw another car in front of it, also going about 40mph, and it had some metal pole on top on the roof, some other things attached, and handmade signs on the back bumper, and along the sides, I think, but only one stood out: Peace Begins With Nonviolence. As I read it, I checked out the driver, a bearded guy with a knit hat, and I flashed him a peace sign as I honked my horn a few times. It was very cool. Like a peace brigade or something. I wanted to read the rest of the signs, ask what was going on, but they were driving REALLY slowly, as I say, and I was headed home for lunch, or to Wal Mart actually, to get streamers to decorate Listerine's cube, and other stuff, of course.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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