Sunday, Apr. 14, 2002 / 12:20 a.m.

~Was it Shocking?~

A small addendum to the previous entry, because I felt a bit self-conscious about writing it here, now, but I didn't want to feel that way. So, I went back into my archive, knowing I used to write about sex here, and I have! Kind of a lot, it's just been a while, but here, as one small example, is more of the same thing, written at about this same time in my cycle. I'm just an animal, a female animal.

I just tried to talk to Nelson on ICQ, but he's not having it. I totally blew that situation. He has someone new to have phone sex with, I know it. Fuck. Thing is, he wasn't that good, on the phone, the best part of it was getting him off, I never did get off.

Anyway, I'm just sort of justifying my previous entry, because I know there are a couple of new readers to this diary, people I don't know on any level, people who've not even said a word to me, and I'm self conscious now when I write something that's a shift from the norm. Not that there is a "norm" anywhere in this diary. I'm all over the place. I hate to shock anyone, because I did shock someone once, and she left, but she's back now, so what the hell do I know?! Keeping an online diary is just weird, you know? It's good weird, but weird still.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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It Was 40 Years Ago Today - 9:44 a.m. , Friday, Oct. 12, 2012

Dead Black Cat - 9:07 a.m. , Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2012

As Seen From Outer Space - 1:07 a.m. , Saturday, Dec. 05, 2009

I Survived to Tell the Tale - 7:29 a.m. , Friday, Sept. 18, 2009

Reading My Life - 12:55 p.m. , Saturday, Sept. 12, 2009

Happy Kitty

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