Saturday, Jan. 11, 2003 / 7:54 a.m.

~What Time Is It?!~

Okay, people, looks like North Korea is FAR more dangerous than Iraq. Seriously.

Where did that come from? The ususal, just logged on, just saw my Yahoo! start page, just cruised the headlines. Love the headlines. Always read 'em.

Do you see what time it is? Do you? 7:55 a.m. And on what day? Saturday. WTF?

Um, well, I chose to close my eyes and go to sleep last night, lying on the sofa, yes, with cats, around 9:30 last night. Could not even stay awake to see the end of "Sweet and Lowdown", but I must say that Sean Penn was AMAZING in that film! I totally forgot it was him. He really loses himself in a character, you know that? I really like him as an actor. And I didn't appreciate Kathy Griffin ragging on him when she was on Kilborn the other night, making fun of him for going to Iraq on his own 'personal fact finding mission'. What's wrong with that? I think it's great that he did that.

Anything at all that draws attention to the fact that Iraq is a real place that real people might actually visit, a place where real people live and work and laugh and have children and families, anything that points that out to provincial Americans who can't even find Iraq on a map, is a GOOD thing.

So, "Sweet and Lowdown" was pretty good, and I love jazz guitar, and it made me want to get out my Django Reinhardt (spelling?) album and have a listen again, but I was exhausted. EXHAUSTED.

I slept to IFC, one light on at the other end of the sofa. All night. I woke to some short films. I woke to an encore showing of "Sweet and Lowdown", but I kept going back to sleep, and when I finally woke feeling I'd had enough, I looked to see Gladys and Norman curled up against me, Norman's paw on top of Gladys', all legs outstretched. If I could've taken a picture I would've. It was real cute.

7:30 was the time. Insane. So I got up, flossed and brushed and washed, on account of I never did that last night, and well, here I am. One of the first things I thought as I was flossing and brushing and washing was, This will be me next Saturday, in some truckstop.

I really don't care for the bus trip to D.C., and I can't believe I'm doing it again, but that just goes to show you how strongly I feel about the current political situation. I'm willing to sacrifice my weekend, my sleep, my sanity, and my cats' happiness to take two nights and two days to do this thing. One week from today......


I'm tempted to go back in my archives here and link to my former D.C. adventures, to my writings thereof anyway, but I don't think anyone would read it. So, forget it. I know what happened, why should I share it with you?

Oh, that reminds me, one of my favorite diarists called it quits yesterday, after some 41 days of not writing, and she did so in a grand flourish of "Why should I care what you think?!"s, and "Fuck you, it's my diary, it was always mine"s, and these are not direct quotes, but the sentiment is the same. She's young, she was always young, and she's outrageously troubled. She was afraid of how she'd always censored herself, that her diary was never really her.

And this makes me think of my own, just a tad. I'd have to say this is me, it's a 'part' of me. It's not all of me, obviously, but the part that sits to write whenever I make the time, yeah, it's all me in that moment. I change people's names, I don't use my own real name, but other than that, this shit is really happening. These thoughts are real. The photos of me are really of me, etc.

Anyway, I'm sorry she's given up and I'm sorry she feels the way she does, and most especially I'm sorry she's left my diary on her favorites list...... I hate it when people leave Diaryland and leave people on their lists. I don't have 37 people regularly reading my diary, it's more like 11. I count 14 diaries that list me that are actually dead diaries. Hmmmmm.

So, it's just after 8:00 a.m., on a Saturday, the sun still has not risen fully, but it's light outside. I guess I'll sit here for a bit, catch up on my email since I didn't log on after work last night, catch up on reading diaries that I didn't read last night, and most likely I'll need a nap later. But I don't really nap, so we'll see how that goes. Jonathan Cainer wrote in my horoscope for this weekend that I should 'expect the unexpected', so I'm all prepared. I think.

Just paused a minute to check some of my email before I post this and I have to say, what is with all these people joining my activist diary ring? Are they activists? Who are they? I need to go back and delete some more people. Last time I did that there were over 450 people there and most I clicked on were dead diaries or people who didn't even post the link. Crazy. The rest are your usual teenaged suicidal angsty diarist types, with a few vegans thrown in for good measure. Crazy.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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