Thursday, Oct. 30, 2003 / 11:01 a.m.

~In Which I Relay My Analogy~

NPR�s playing Vivaldi�s �Four Seasons�, or really �Quattro Stagioni�, or is it �Stagione�? Either way, I�m glad our NPR station plays classical music all day, despite the recent article in the free weekly claiming there are many people in the city who disagree. They want more talk, but I say they can turn on their Democracy Now, or Pacifica radio, or local �free radio� to get their �preaching to the choir� chat shows. We need a classical music station. Maybe I feel that way because I was raised to appreciate all forms of music, and part of that included attending the symphony with my father, and playing the violin in school. This is my music.

I also have to name drop a bit, and inadvertently disclose my Cosmopolitan background, in a not so inadvertent way, and mention that when I was in Paris I saw a flyer advertising a performance of �Four Seasons� at Saint Chapel, so I went. Alone. I remember very little of that night, other than being awed that I was there, a bit nervous that I was there alone, that I was very far away from everything I knew, everything familiar, but that music was the most familiar, and the stained glass was the most beautiful I�d seen.

Sometimes, like now, at work, I listen to music on my Walkman, through earpieces I leave in when the phone rings. I mean I might leave in the left earpiece, not turn the music off, put my phone earpiece on my right ear, take my call while my left ear is filled with music. And every time I think how funny if the music traveled from ear to ear and the caller could hear, but then the caller hears what I say through the mouthpiece, but still. I know they don�t know, the callers.

My cubicle leaves dried overnight. They turned brown and ugly, in one night here. I told Kukla it�s telling of what this environment is potentially doing to us, making us dried out and brown, and ugly (okay, I know she�s already brown and not that brown is ugly, but I�m sort of pink, so brown would not be good for me).

It�s another beautiful day outside, supposed to be even warmer. The rest of the week, and Saturday, are predicted to be the same, mid 70s, sunny, colorful.

All year, for the past several years really, I�ve intended to find another job, just as I intend to dust all my books at home, and clean out my closets, but in the case of the job, I saved my vacation time thinking I didn�t want to use it and then have to pay for it when I left early. But I never left, so I have close to one whole week to use before the end of the year. Yesterday I tried to plan it, tried to think of how to arrange the days, and found I had to work around days already requested by my coworkers. It was a challenge, but I like what I came up with.

Bottom line there is that I will soon be lounging about enjoying my life for a few days at a time. And I really hope I do something about my car. It needs lots of work done, and I know that by ignoring it all I�m only setting myself up for catastrophe, roadside at that, later on. As with everything, we shall see.

So looking forward to bad Chinese food leftovers for lunch and dinner! Of course I�ll eat it, it�s not rotten, it�s just bad. Picture someone who doesn�t know how to cook preparing you a gourmet meal. Yeah, like that. What can I say? I�m a food snob. Even with my junk food, it has to be good.

Oh, I thought of an analogy for the people (mostly young men, it would seem) who feel they should vote progressive in the next Presidential election, i.e. Nader, or some other �third party� or �fourth party� candidate. It�s like this, there are two sides to the road, and in this country we drive on the right. What if you decide there really should be three, or more, or with all those lanes you should be able to choose which direction you want to travel, why should you follow some �two sides� rule? Because you�ll endanger all of our lives if you do that.

Yes, I believe the Nader voters did that last election. And I know that�s a bone of contention for many, but it�s how I feel. And I used to feel the same way they do. In my first Presidential election I wanted to vote independent, I think the candidate was John Anderson, but my father pointed out to me that I had to realistically choose someone who could win. I never agreed, but voted Jimmy Carter anyway, and had no regrets. Later, and this is a bit odd, but before I found out about the destruction of the coral reef on the private island, I liked Ross Perot, and in my debating with coworkers at the bookstore, back in the receiving area when I was supposed to be gathering my stock, I was told that was insane, he�d never win, I had to choose between the two parties. It is still a two party system, regardless of how progressive you think you are, regardless of how perfect the candidate you choose may be.

Sure, the Greens are out there, but at what percentage? And how many elections must be totally fucked up before they are a viable third party? How many more George Bushes do we allow to be appointed before Nader makes it all the way? He�ll be dead by then.

If Dean is the frontrunner, if he stands a chance, I have to vote for him. And I realize that voting is personal and private, so do what you have to do, but if you let Bush have another four years to run this country totally into the ground, to deny women the right to choose, to virtually destroy our environment and wildlife areas, you�re an idiot.

You may not like the rules, but while they�re in place, abide by them. Pick and choose, but this is so important, even if you hate the Democrats and all they stand for, the lesser of these two evils is actually a good thing.

That�s it. I�m sure a lot of people disagree, and I sincerely hope this doesn�t mean you allow Bush to be reelected, but it may.

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