Monday, Jan. 05, 2004 / 6:28 p.m.

~The Bedroom Has the BED Though!~

I was assured my apartment would be 'done' today, and I was so put at ease, this helped, really, I was happy, calm, but now I come home and I see no evidence anyone entered at all.

I need to do like James Bond in "You Only Live Twice" (that's the one, right?) and put the hair over the doorknob, to the jam. One strand is all it takes.

So, N and G were trapped in the bedroom all day. Could've been worse, and they'll have to be in there again tomorrow, so there you have that.

I haven't eaten but one small piece of a green apple all day, and I only realized this a little while ago. Bad, bad, but I didn't think to eat. Now, I have food, and it will be good. I'm starting to feel it.

We didn't do anything today, except answer sporadic phone calls, tell people, "We no longer do that", no, go away, we don't, we can't, and no I won't, no I don't have another number, no, you suck, it's too late, you fucked up, forget it. Or something like that. All day long. People, change your address with your company before the end of the year, or sit and wait for the post office to reroute your year end tax reporting statement.

Ooooh, Site Manager was back from his vacation and we chatted, about my vehicle mostly. He wants to do more. He loves to tinker. He's a vehicular tinkerer. He is hip to the joy that is watching "Twilight Zone" as well, underscored the underlying themes with me, and yes, yes, that was an era, yes? Fascinating.

Plus, he knew the person who wrote one of the eps, my personal favorite, or second thereof. He knew her. And wow.

So, I got paid good money to read my Entertainment Weekly today. And listen to NPR, and I've heard too much news already, why is it on in the living room now?

I talked to Jane today too, pulled up a chair and invaded her cube, Jane, Jane, talk to me, Jane, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you. She is so good.

I must vacuum litter from my bedroom area rug, the other faux Oriental (notice how it's still okay to call a rug Oriental, but not a person or food?), as the litter box sat upon it all day. Poor unsuspecting felines, they have no idea tomorrow brings more of the same. And why? Why was I lied to? An omission? An oversight? Grrrrr...

Food. Must eat, must find way to relax, feeling tense, need to release tension, and need to get back to research project I abandoned due to lack of information provided. I now have it and feel quite intimidated and suddenly very stupid.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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Run, Kitty, Run!

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Happy Kitty

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