Monday, Mar. 15, 2004 / 7:49 p.m.

~I Made It~

I am so tired I feel like I might fall over in my chair. Like I might fall off my chair. As soon as I decided I would eat no more of the fabulous garlic chicken I got from my favorite Chinese restaurant, after driving there and back in record time (no rush hour traffic?), I felt I'd collapse. Sitting upright. My eyes are heavy, my belly is full. I made it through the day.

I survived my own little heartbreak-induced nervous breakdown and after staying up until almost 4:00, no, probably a bit after 4:00 this morning, I made it to work and worked a full day, but ate nothing until this, this Ma Po Tofu and Spring Rolls and Garlic Chicken, and I didn't even touch the Hot and Sour soup.

I'd like to brush and floss and wash and get in the bed, and I may just. I almost said, I may just might. That is how tired I am.

Not much else of note. It was a day. I'm trying to clear my head, but it's not working. Time always helps. I'll be okay, and eating was a good thing, and eating some comfort food was better. The weather is warm, the windows are open now, the birds sing at dusk and dawn, I even heard cicadas outside the porch. Spring is everywhere. Fast. The trees are in blossom, full bloom some of them, and I mean to snap a few photos, but I never do. It happens every year after all.

My hockey team is playing downtown, but I have them on the TV instead of being there. No way could I be there. Ooooh, I feel so heavy. It's almost like being drugged, but with no side effects. I'm just so heavy.

Final note: "The Simpsons" tonight (one of two back to back repeats) was the one where Burns and Homer get trapped in the cabin under the avalanche(s), and it made me laugh out loud a few times. Like I couldn't stop repeating certain lines that were just so damned off the wall, like the whole scene where they're enjoying sitting. "Ah, sitting, the great leveler". And then Homer asks Mr Burns if he's ever sat 'like this', scooting way down in his chair. I do that. I never sit normally, upright in a chair. I'm all over the place, scooched way down, or on one foot under me. Ah, this loses in translation, but it was very, very funny. And all is good.

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