Monday, Sept. 23, 2002 / 9:31 p.m.

~Rapid Fire Second Entry!!!~

I've just eaten 15 mini Shumai (dumplings made with ground pork, green onions, water chestnuts, garlic, etc.), with chopsticks, with a dipping sauce I made from tamari, ground ginger and rice wine vinegar. It's what was on hand, I made do. I'm sated. I want more. How can I be both?

Jonathan Cainer, fuck you for fucking with me astrologically, how could you write this?:

"You have reached a very bold decision. You have made a commitment that you can hardly go back on. It is a little too late to start wondering whether or not this was wise. You simply have to have faith in the choice you have made. Trust yourself, for you have indeed arrived at a wise destination albeit via a rather dubious route. Everything will work out surprisingly well over the next few days. And where you most urgently need a little good fortune, you will get it. "

See, you sound like you know what you're talking about, but this does not relate to me. What does it mean? I haven't made any decisions, much less bold ones. What choice? What good fortune? Who are you talking to? Stop it!!!

I think it applies to the saddest Aries I know, Ms Jessica, and I hope it does, she needs good fortune right about now. My heart bleeds a little bit for her, I feel an intense compassion, empathy for her. But me? That's not me. No decisions are being made here. Unless you count the Shumai I heated in the microwave and the decision to put ground ginger in the tamari, with that old rice wine vinegar I've had on hand for I don't even want to think about how long.....

Cainer, you're on drugs. You're fucked. I used to believe you, but now? You make no sense. You hallucinate. You mock me. You do. That's all there is to it.

Where's an Aries? Come on, does this mean ANYTHING at all to you? Doesn't it sound like it should? Don't you read it aloud to yourself and get a little bit excited? And infuriated?!!!

I'm going to check out the new "CSI:FUCKINGMiami" because I've only seen the promos like FIVE BILLION TRILLION times now. If it doesn't blow me away I should write to CBS to complain.

And I've got to check out the Thrashers schedule. How can it be I don't know when pre-season starts? Other NHL teams are playing already. What is wrong with me? And I have to find the Charles Chips web site, they have to have one so I can submit my photos of Gladys atop their/her box, so they can give me free chips and use Gladys as a Spokescat.

Abrupt end to diary entry.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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