Thursday, Mar. 04, 2004 / 6:27 p.m.

~Is That the Dumpster Beeping?~

I'm not going to start by writing about the weather, nor how warm it is inside. I may get to it before I leave the area, but I'll start by noting that I think I just forgot my PIN. My ATM PIN, and it so happens to be the same PIN I've had since, oh, this is scary, I think since they first built ATMs. How many years are we talking about? Way over twenty, or just over twenty? Same PIN. It was issued to me, I didn't choose it.

I forgot it once, at the ATM. I stood there and tried every combination I could think of, and it was so so so horrible. That forgetting of something that simply should not be forgotten.

I just got a new ATM card in the mail, as my bank has been bought out by the second new bank since I've been banking there, yes, over twenty years. It seems, and I've realized this the more I've gotten to know me, that I sort of abhor change. And I think it's because when I was growing up I was surrounded by it. We moved so many times, so many people disappeared, died, so much came and went, and we had to pack it all up and unpack it someplace new, all the time.

So, I hang on to things, just a bit. If I like my bank, no problems, why switch? Phone company? Interweb? Why bother? Stick with something good. Like a good solid pair of shoes, or an old TV, stereo, even a couple of cats. Find a good cat, keep her around, 'til she dies, then think about a new one.

Have to go fix my tea, be right back...

Well, I don't think I've ever done that before, just up and left right in the middle of a diary entry. But see, as much as I don't care for change, I like doing new things. I like to mix it up a bit. And boy did I sound Southern, talking about fixin' my tea and all. I'm fixin' to fix me some tea, want sum?

Now I have to wait for it to cool, and isn't that always the way? No?

So, anyway, I was reading about how my new card has a new number, and if it's a new card, like brand new, my PIN will be mailed to me shortly, but if it's an old new card then I should damn well know my PIN by heart, and suddenly I wasn't quite sure. It was scary. I think I have it, but still, until I use it, and I used it last night after work at the Farmers Market, I just won't know, now will I?

(Brief weather related notice, sort of weather related, I mean semi and such: I put on a pair of shorts before I got my tea. One week ago it snowed, and today I am wearing shorts. I wore sandals for the second day in a row, no jacket at all today, not even this morning!)

Eeep, I just got my third email today from Dennis Kucinich. Dude, hang it up already. You've made your impact, people think you're being really silly now. Or wait a second, maybe he's not silly at all, maybe I still admire him, going down alone on his little sinking dingy. Is it dinghy? Or dingy? Too lazy to look it up, fingers too busy typing.

So, not too warm today. Durr, weather, I can't NOT write about it. But I'm not having tea because it's warm or hot or anything, but because last night I stocked up on my new favorite vanilla red tea. And since I had TWO, count 'em, TWO, boxes sort of staring at me, if boxes had eyes, from the kitchen counter, well, thought I'd dip in.

And, TMI here, it's my heavy period day, and we all know what that's like, I feel sort of in pain and stuff, and I thought tea might be nice.

Speaking of change, it's lease renewal time at home again, and in past years I've come home to notices of renewal options left right at my door, details, how much and everything, but not this year. First, they're late, and second, the note tells me I need to go see them to 'discuss' it. Fuckers. They have huge signs all over the place practically offering to pay people to live in this complex and the 'sister' complex down the street, they should be begging me to stay, not telling me I need to do this or that or the fucking other.

I miss our old Assistant Manager. I hate that she's gone. She had one of those nondescript foreign accents, something sort of Germanic I'd guess, and she always ended our conversations by calling me "Sweetie". Then she'd step outside the office and smoke a cancer stick or three.

I don't relish the renewal process without her here. She was fun, efficient, appreciative, like she appreciated that I live here, whether she did or not, and that "Sweetie" thing seemed so damned genuine.

Rapid shift to most important item of the day, then I've got to vacuum the carpeting, as being barefoot all of a sudden (due to the unusually WARM WEATHER we're having) I can feel all the cat litter all over the place. Damn cats.

End of day today we had a little 'incident' at work... Wait, stinky, have to scoop some poop...

Wow, two interruptions in one entry. Speaking of damned cats and litter everywhere, well, I'm back now.

So, the only manager left at the end of the day went out to the 'floor', as we call it, and asked if everyone could hear her, and then proceeded to tell us to grab our things and get the hell out! Quickly! Out the front! And she didn't use exclamation points when she spoke, but I could hear 'it' in her voice, that 'it' that meant, "Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod, this looks bad, this is really bad, what the fuck?!?!?", and since I was doing the reception duty I already had my personal items and just waited to see everyone rush up, waited to see how long it would take them actually, and I turned off the phone and headed out as well.

I knew it was a threat of some kind, I could tell, as I said, by her voice. And by the fact that she was too distracted, i.e. terrified, to stop and use the PA system, but instead just raised her voice. End of day, not many people left anyway.

We all stood outside, and guessed what it was, and the ladies all made jokes and cackled, as they do when they get outside the place on company time, and we eventually, not long after exiting really, found out it was a test. But no one had known, and it supposedly was planned by some city agency, or government, or some such, and on that I am really not clear, but it was to test our readiness and is supposedly going on in several locations, 'around'.

Sounds fishy to me, but our security guard was doing his duty, heard 'the device' beeping and notified management who notified the 'authorities', and at some point 'the authorities' notified us it was just a big test. And we passed.

I loved it. I love that kind of excitement. I always hope the whole building goes up in a big cloud of black smoke. No, I don't want anyone to be hurt, but I love disasters. Er, when no one gets hurt, that is.

Oh, this tea is fantastic.

So, again with the So. That's it, really, it was mad crazy fun, and I loved how scared the manager was, and I love how real she is, and ditzy, and I kind of wish she were my manager, but she manages another department.

Alas, and alack, I think I had more, but ever so suddenly I am wiped out. It's the period thing. I was scattered all day, just couldn't grasp simple concepts, felt like I couldn't remember anything, felt 'spacey'. Now would be a good time to sit and relax, maybe with this tea in my hands, in the mug of course, but I must vacuum. Must.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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