Friday, Apr. 09, 2004 / 9:07 p.m.

~Listening, Reading, Writing~

I don't bruise easily, but I do bang into things a lot, and I never know what will become a multicolored splotch on light colored skin, and what will not. That said, I have a huge bruise on my upper thigh, on the outside, and I vaguely remember the moment I acquired it, and then I don't really remember any such moment. I have a huge bruise, and I like it. Oh, and it hurts too. A day or so before it turned into this big sort of brownish/grayish splotch-y thing, I would poke it and say, "Hey, that hurts when I do that", and then I'd stop poking.

I'm listening to Air America Radio, Janeane Garofalo (excuse if incorrect spelling, please), and someone else, no desire to look it up right now, but you can click on that link and find out for yourself (Sam Seder, fine, I looked it up, and I don't care for him at all - he's calling Iraq "Eye Rack", blech). I've been listening (only to them since 8:00 though) since I got home from work and got online. I surf, I do the things I do, visit the sites I visit, and I listen, radio on my computer. People talking, news breaks, very left wing, very enlightened stuff.

My man, Dennis Kucinich, will be on in about 45 minutes.

I was going to go see Dominic Gaudious again (hey, another link, click it and see!), at a club I've not yet been to, intown of course, but I'm so wrapped up in this Air America Radio thing, I just don't know. And I have horrible onion taste in my mouth, from the wonderful pasta salad I ate, and the wonderful potato salad I ate (it was a Whole Foods Salad Bar Extravaganza last night), so I probably should not expose myself to anyone.

Hmmmm... decisions, decisions.

But, I have always really liked Ms Garofalo, she is so funny, outspoken, articulate, smart, hip, culturally literate, and cute as a button! If I were a lesbian, and she were a lesbian, and I am SO gonna get Googled for this entry, I'd want her to be my girlfriend.

Ah yes, a fun Friday night. Politics on the radio on the computer, reading, writing, listening, eating. I still have chocolate cake leftover from work on Wednesday.

I think I'll skip the guitarist. I saw him two weeks ago anyway, or was it only one? Good god, last week blew me away to the point that I can't even remember the details anymore.

I don't even know where I've been. Time stands still so often, then it speeds by, and then I can't do more than be right in it.

And, to top it all off, I type so much at work now, and I've got the recurring tendonitis thing, it is becoming really uncomfortable to type. Perhaps I should visit the used computer store and look for ergonomic keyboards, and a nice used scanner, and a new monitor. And I almost forgot, I bought lottery tickets, maybe I'll win that and my whole life will change tonight.

Now they're talking about I need to visit that site too.

The situation in Iraq is really getting bad. These kidnappings should propel our government, and the Japanese and Italian governments to act, finally, to get OUT of Iraq, to cut a deal, or offer aid, monetary, whatever, just get the hell OUT. There must be some neutral organization that can remain, the UN, whomever. It's just insane.

Tune in, if you can read this, check out Air America Radio. Good, good stuff. And Kucinich at 10:00, Eastern Time.

Anything else? Nah, I'm way scattered right now, listening and reading and writing all at the same time.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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