Saturday, Mar. 30, 2002 / 8:41 p.m.

~A Day Spent Online~

I awoke early this morning, to a wrong number. A phone call for a wrong number. The phone rang, the machine answered, a message left for someone with my last name, but not my first. An 800 number left behind, "This is not a sales call, but an important business matter", and I got up and called, soon after, but it was all automated and I didn't want the effort. I thought I might put an end to the calls I keep getting for this person with the odd name, but maybe I won't.

9:30 or so on a Saturday and I was up. And online. I've been online all day.

I took an IQ test at Emode. The results indicate I am visually oriented, artistic, and a writer. This is accurate. I knew I should've tried to be a National Geographic correspondent.

I joined a million Diary Rings. And I created a new one myself, for Lizard Lovers. Someone needs to join my Netscape Users Diary Ring. I can't believe everyone on Diaryland is using IE.

I also signed up for an E-Cards membership and sent a birthday card to my online friend in Ireland. And a cool leopard card to Hermione and a woman who used to keep a diary here on Diaryland, and a copy to me. I didn't realize that all email addresses would show up though, and now I feel bad that I sent the same card to two different people, three including me. E-Cards is very cool though. They give money to the World Wildlife Fund, one of my very favorite organizations. My birthday is April 6th, for all the people who want to send me a nice electronic birthday card. :)

It's been raining all day. Just a few minutes ago the lightning grew very intense, along with thunder, and I was writing this entry, but in my haste to finish it I closed my second browswer window, and when it was slow to close I closed it again, but it was this one. Poof! Entry gone. This second attempt to write it is not as good, it's forced, I'm trying too hard to remember exactly what I had written, and it's coming out a bit wrong.

The thunder and lightning have stopped, for now, and I don't feel so rushed, but it's funny I was writing about what a great excuse it was for me to finally get offline. How my computer is so antiquated and slow that it's taken hours to do the things I've done here today, and if only I had a better and faster PC it would've been even more enjoyable. I do so love the Internet. There is so much to see and do.

I've had to re-boot maybe four times in the past few hours because my computer freezes up sometimes, if I try to accomplish too much, visit graphics-heavy sites, like the other electronic cards sites I visited before I settled on E-Cards. I'd used E-Cards before, but forgot about them. Silly me. They are the best, I think.

I could've been doing all sorts of other things today, I know, but this was all I really felt like doing. When I'm here I'm not thinking about cleaning or cooking, or shopping, or the big Tax-Free day and how I should be out there, but how I don't want to be because of this horrible weather, or actually, really wonderful Spring Rain weather, good for the Earth weather, but horrible for driving around.

Nice to look out, nice to hear it, but stuffy here inside with windows closed. I haven't even watched TV today, but I did listen to a lot of music. The Smiths, Cibo Matto, Frank Sinatra, John Lennon, Van Morrison. It's been nice. Eclectic. And you shoud see the Diary Rings I joined. Really. It was great fun. I went through the whole listing, A-Z. There's some crazy shit in there too.

Well, it sucked when I lost my diary entry a few minutes ago, but here it is again, I hear the thunder again on the horizon, I can visualize it coming in like a rolling cloud, a vast layer rolling toward me, and I saw lightning flash again. So, now, I will get off of here, but it's been a fun day. Again, one day I hope to have a really good computer. And I will write and upload photos and I will be so creative and artistic and you will all say you knew me when!

And we didn't win the Lottery. We did win $2, which I will re-invest for us and the jackpot is now an estimated $90 million. So la dee daaaaa.

Oh, last night, for Norma's birthday, I opened a can of Friskies Turkey and Giblets dinner, and Norma had a wonderful birthday dinner with her pal Gladys. They were so happy. I think everyone should have a wonderful dinner on her birthday. Hint, hint, hint.

One more thing, I think. The "20/20" last night, with Barbara Walters in Saudi Arabia, was really interesting. She's very cool, I think, I've always thought so. She's sort of daring, in a very diplomatic way. She sometimes seems ditzy, but she is oh so smart. I'd like someone like her to be our next President. Seriously. I just think she possesses the right amounts of passion, intelligence, patience, drive, ambition and experience with Foreign Affairs. Face it, she has more foreign diplomacy experience than our current president! And she's pretty funny sometimes. Self-effacing. Honest. Yeah, I like her.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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Run, Kitty, Run!

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I Survived to Tell the Tale - 7:29 a.m. , Friday, Sept. 18, 2009

Reading My Life - 12:55 p.m. , Saturday, Sept. 12, 2009

Happy Kitty

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