Saturday, Dec. 21, 2002 / 6:30 p.m.

~A Flurry of Productivity~

It's been a flurry of productivity around here today. Productively sleeping late, 1:00 or so. Productively washing dishes before making coffee, making coffee, drinking coffee. Productively sorting through emails, and most productively reorganizing my Netscape bookmarks, even creating new subfolders in my Politics/Antiwar Activism folder. I now have "Afghanistan", "Iraq", "Yugoslavia", "Al Gore", "9/11" and "General". I feel so complete.

I had no problem deleting bookmarks for various and sundry diaries I came across during lonely nights of online surfing. Or not so lonely nights of online surfing, perhaps boring nights of online surfing. Bookmarking anything and everything remotely worth noting is an addictive habit. Are all habits addictive? Suddenly I'm thinking that's redundant. Maybe habit is the kinder word for addiction?

I read diaries, I'm all caught up.

I productively began vacuuming my entire apartment, stopping only because I was shaky from caffeine and no food, stopping only to eat leftovers from yesterday's Holiday lunch at work, leftover Honeybaked ham on a roll, and I want to say egg roll, but that may be misconstrued as eggroll, but what I mean is a roll made from egg bread, or more likely something very much like Challah, not to be pronounced as Challah, but as "Tzkshkhallh". Make sure you spit a bit when you say it. Or sound like you need a good Heimlich-ing.

So it was a Challah-like roll, with leftover ham, a leftover roll with leftover ham and leftover lettuce (the Honeybaked Ham people sent WAY too much lettuce - they should know better, a lot of people will not voluntarily place lettuce on their sandwiches - I wanted to take it ALL home, make a HUGE salad with it, but I said, ah, fuck it, let them deal with all that leftover lettuce, though it's Romaine and nice green leaf, and it looks good... hmmmm...), and an old piece of smoked Gouda, which does not really 'go bad', on account of it's smoked. No fuzzy spots like on regular old cheese.

My point? I ate, I productively made a sandwich and productively ate it, and then I productively changed my sheets (WAY overdue, but I don't seem to care about cleanliness lately, it just doesn't matter like it once did, or it does, but I'm always too tired, or something), picked Norman up and threw her off the bed over and over during said productive process, one might say I productively prevented her from foiling the process of productively changing the sheets on my/our bed.

THEN, I productively finished vacuuming the rest of the entire apartment, also stopping to productively begin the process of washing several loads of laundry, or placing them in the washing machine so that IT might begin washing.

I've finished vacuuming the entire apartment, the kitchen is relatively clean again, the garbage does need to go out, but there must be someone else who is going to deal with that..... or not.

Now all I have left is about four more loads of laundry, dusting the entire apartment, going through stacks of catalogs and mail and newspapers to sort for recycling, loading the recycling in my car, taking the recycling to a recycling bin, or bins, or center. And watching my "GL"s on tape, a good movie somewhere on all my myriad digital cable channels, and reading all the Entertainment Weeklys that I've been neglecting, catch up now that this week's issue is last week's double issue.

I think that's it.

Sundance is showing all short films. All day, all night. I heard screaming in Japanese a few minutes ago.

Moby wrote in his online journal about the joys of cable radio. Especially techno, electronic. One more thing we have in common. Sometimes I'll turn the channel to cable radio, to the Electronic station, in bed, late, to fall asleep to. If he only knew. If I had a way to tell him. Hey, Mo', me too!! That other thing? Me too! And that, and this, and that one too, we are so much alike.

My first load of many is done. Needs to be dried in the dryer. And then? I'm SO out of steam. I'm not used to all this productivity, really. Maybe a bath, maybe more food, maybe I'll cook up the squash and peppers.

I think the cats don't like the latest jug of water. I bought something at Wal Mart, something called "Drinking Water" and it has this full flavor, then a sharp nothingness for an aftertaste. It's disconcerting. I notice they've not been emptying their water bowl as usual, and I'm concerned Norm is constipated. I know, I know, ewwww, but it's important they drink plenty of water because all they eat is dried food, and if they think the new bottled water situation is weird, well, I don't know what to do, as I will NOT give them that tap water that smells like smoke. I won't drink it, why should they?

We ran out of the Zephyrillis, or however you spell it, and that was the best. Wal Mart doesn't carry it.

This is getting boring, not that vacuuming, laundry and sheet changing are not also boring, but well, it's all relative.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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Run, Kitty, Run!

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I Survived to Tell the Tale - 7:29 a.m. , Friday, Sept. 18, 2009

Reading My Life - 12:55 p.m. , Saturday, Sept. 12, 2009

Happy Kitty

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