Thursday, Mar. 14, 2002 / 6:59 p.m.

~A Fookin' Miscellaneous Entry~

Hey, it's fookin' hot in here! Jesus. I like that, instead of fuck, with short "u", how about "fook"? Like "Hey, Fook You!". Not "fook" like "took", not short "o"s, but long, like......"tool". You fookin' tool! I like that. Yeah.

Dammit. It's what? Halfway through March? And I need the windows open, the fan in the window, hell, I should peel off all these clothes, not just take off a few. I could sit here naked, I guess. Or turn on the A/C, but that's like sacrilegious or something, right? A/C in March??? Nah.

Thanks, you guys, and you know who you are, for signing my guestbook! Nice, nice notes, wow, it's been so's just been me and Roadiepig writing back and forth for so long now, but I knew there were some great people around D-Land, you're not all bad, in fact I really dig a LOT of you, like wish I knew you even....

So, thanks for saying something, supportive, or just a response to something I wrote to you (on account of I do like to write, to you, and you and you too).

Yeah, I'm feeling good, but my eyes are all squinty. I don't know why that is - I feel like I want to lean WAY in, like see the monitor...maybe a dusting would help? Hang on....

Okay, that helped. I knew that stupid bra was good for something...dusting! Oh, you know, no Victoria's Secret lacy thing, although I do have one of those, it's purple, but I never wear it. I bought it in a girlie moment. Rare, I know, but occasionally even I have them. Horrors! Nah, it's free and easy for me, 99% of the time, but today I wore this cotton knitted sweater that's kind of thick and all the threads are visible on the inside, you know, almost like hand knit or something, so it's scratchy on the nipples if I don't wear a bra, so I wear this cotton sort of jogging bra but not really, that my sister in law gave me. It's comfy, but still.

Whoa, way off topic. And was there one? Oh yeah, it's fookin' hot in here!

So, what else is new? Well, no "Survivor" tonight, and I'm not sure why, but I'm guessing it's got something to do with sports, or basketball or something? Same reason all the CBS daytime shows aren't on today or tomorrow, or weren't on today and won't be on tomorrow. No "GL" for two days. I can handle that. I'm behind anyway. And "Survivor" was on last night, so I'm good - and what the fook was up with voting off Hunter???????

Someone 'splain that one to me. Hunter, the ONLY person with any sense in that stupid LOSER tribe.

And hey, I know that Gabriel guy is just a blonde version of Ethan, or so CBS thinks (I"m sorry, but I watched "Survivor: Africa" and I saw Ethan and YOU, Gabriel, are NO Ethan Zohn!), but he's kinda cute, especially now that he's lost any semblance of body fat, just lean, lean, whoa, he's HOT! As they say. That is what "they" say, isn't it? "HOT"? Yeah, I wouldn't kick him outta bed.

Damn, I'm feeling sassy.

No, I'm not bipolar, stop it. It's the planets, and I'm sorry I doubted Jon Cainer, it's not his fault I have yet to win the Big Game, I'll keep trying, but he is right about this being a good week for me. It's so funny the way Sunshine calls me to bitch about all the crackheads who call her all day long and I say, "Huh. All the calls I'm getting are easy. Everyone is really nice."

And we laugh! Man, we called each other all day today. "Listen to this....." "Here, listen to this song on the radio, this was my favorite song when I was in high school, like 9th grade: 'Laaaaydaaay....when you're with me I'm smillllllingggggg'" "Hah!" "Omigod, this guy just cussed me out!" "Funny, my guy was really nice, he even laughed, he LAUGHED when I told him Jamie spelled his address 'Jaleen' instead of 'Jay Lane', he wasn't pissed at all that he has to wait an extra two weeks to get his W-2 - Whee!!!!"

So I got another Big Game ticket. I'm going to win, do you hear me? If only I were religious, I could say something like, "As God is my Witness, I will WIN!". How about, "As Norma and Gladys are my Witnesses, I will WIN!"?

Oh hey, speaking of "Survivor", "The Amazing Race 2" is good, as was expected. I watched the first one on tape yesterday, then they showed a new one after "Survivor", so I was way RealiTVed out! Fun though - I mean, even if you lose, like right away, hey, you got to go to Brazil! Right? What's so bad about that? And on "Survivor", you do know that all those people voted off early stay there, in the Marquesas, in some resort or something, because if they came back home everyone would know they didn't win, and they can't have that, can't let folks know.

I'd go, piss everyone off, get voted off first and have a nice 39 day vacation. Who needs the million? Well, I mean, yeah, I do, I would want the million too, but the vacation, on CBS' tab, would be nice! Sweet, even!

Okay, I'm prone to rambling, I'm high in a way, I don't feel much pain, just major eye strain from reading all day, the local free weekly mostly. The phones hardly rang at ALL the entire day. It was grrrreat!!!! Some folks were bored, but I was in heaven. A much needed break.

And Sunshine leaves soon, she is only a temp after all - I am going to miss her big time.......

So, I'm off, think I'll read some diaries, if my eyes can stand it, maybe see what's on TV....

"Spartacus" is on!!!! "I am Spartacus!!!!" Oooooo, I might have to watch it again........... lots of ellipses in this entry.......... is an ellipsis just three of these dots?...... 'cause I like to use more.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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As Seen From Outer Space - 1:07 a.m. , Saturday, Dec. 05, 2009

I Survived to Tell the Tale - 7:29 a.m. , Friday, Sept. 18, 2009

Reading My Life - 12:55 p.m. , Saturday, Sept. 12, 2009

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