Thursday, Feb. 10, 2005 / 6:54 p.m.

~Hot Topics, and a Letter to GWB~

Soooooooo... North Korea is boasting it has nuclear weapons now? Boasting? Hey, hey, hey, does this mean we are gonna send in some weapons inspectors and issue them some 'disarm or die' ultimatum? Are we gonna BOMB 'em? Come on, if we can do it in Iraq, you know, well, we gotta live up to our strong arm tactics, yeah? We gotta strong arm ALL the countries, not just the axis of evil, and is North Korea a part of that or what?

I say we nuke 'em. I say we nuke every country, even the little ones. Let's not play favoritism.

Oh, speaking of little countries, I fell asleep on the sofa last night, fairly unusual for a week night, watching the most ridiculous French movie, which only goes to prove what I really need to remember more often, that just because a 'film' is French DOES NOT mean it's any good. "Time Out", skip it, in fact, take time out from it. Good to sleep to though.

Yes, yes, I was asleep last night at 7:30 p.m. It seemed like I'd lived a whole day by that time, I'd worked, I'd eaten, I'd relaxed, I lay prone, and there you go (cats woke me up in time for "Sex and the City" though).

Part of it was filmed in Switzerland though, a small country, hence the oh, 'oh, oh, guess what else?' portion of this entry.

I feel like I had another good point, but it's really escaping me now.

I wonder if any of YOU know the incidental music from "Gilligan's Island", that dooo doo do do part. Is it just me?

And do most cell phones work well indoors? They operate on radio waves, and you know it's not been disproven that they cause brain cancer. I think, and mark these words, that in about 10 years, we're going to see a HUGE rise in the cases of brain cancer. And cancer in young people. Mark these words.

Anyway, here are the other things. Prince Charlie is making an honest woman out of that marriage wrecker, Bowles. Why? Do they 'have' to get married, you think? Nah, she's too old to be pregnant. I wonder why now... I wonder.

And, the Pope is out of the hospital. Dude should resign his post, yeah? Why is he hanging on? Is he strong in mind? Does he just need a new body? I don't get it. But what a great job, right? Maybe that's why he stays. Everything but sex, but then again, well, no one knows what goes on behind papal doors, now do they?

Enough of that. Just going down the list of hot topics.

Dear President Bush,

I'm really worried about North Korea and their arsenal of nukyuler weapons, aren't you? I mean, we got rid of Saddam, and thank goodness, that dude was bad ass, but this North Korean guy, doesn't he have some name no one in this country can even pronounce? I mean, those people are foreign looking, they can't be trusted either, just like those Iraqis. I think we need to skip the weapons inspections and just bomb the holy hell out of them!

Just 'obliverate' them, as my ex-boyfriend used to say. And I'd say, "It's obliterate, not obliverate", and he'd get all mad and silent. That silent kind of mad, do you know it? Wait, Mr. President, he was a Cancer guy, just like YOU! You guys are so stubborn, so defiant. One your mind is made up, well well.

So, please keep us safe, and send our boys into North Korea. I'm sure they'd appreciate the change of scenery and the Korean food anyway - they've got that Korean Barbecue there, that shit is damned good, you ever try it?

Patriotically yours,

Cost of the War in Iraq
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