Wednesday, Jan. 07, 2004 / 9:33 p.m.

~Dear Diary, Blah, Blah, Blah~

It turns out the movie wherein James Bond places the hair over the door is "Dr No", and it's on right now. Of course, as usual lately, I sat and watched in earnest, the first half hour or so, but then there were commercials, and I couldn't sit. I got up, came here to check email, ended up going for an online Tarot reading, then checking journals for updates, updating my own, etc., etc., more email (it just keeps coming), and one thing just leads so nicely to another.

But... those first few minutes, the introduction of James Bond as double oh seven... oh, oh, oh!!. Not that he appears in the first few minutes, not at all, but the first shot we see of him is his hands playing cards, gambling, dealing cards, betting, and that, "Bond, James Bond", cigarette dangling from his mouth.

It's in his hotel room in Kingston that he is a bit rightly paranoid, dusts his briefcase to check for prints, and leaves that infamous hair pasted with his own saliva across the pullout door of the closet, just as he is leaving, so when he gets back he can see that someone had indeed been in his room, snooping.

And the most hilarious scene of him in bed, startled in the night by the creepy crawly legs of a tarantula making its way up his legs to his back, and the shot with the thing on a piece of plexiglass, his skin moving underneath, the giant spider not, the look of terror as we see James Bond is in fact afraid of creepy crawlies, is priceless.

Love this film. Love it. But can't concentrate on TV lately. I come home after work now and don't even want it on. I get in bed at night and have it on, have to turn it off, can't stand the noise of it. Interesting.

I did watch "24" last night, and is that show not all about lips? The biggest lips in the world can be seen in any given episode, and by several people, men, women, Mexican, African American, Caucasian, doesn't matter. And the one with lips the same color as her face, with all that gloss? Who is in charge of hair and makeup?

Hey, don't mind me, I don't wear the stuff, but I have rosy cheeks and reddish lips naturally. If I were all one color I might make an effort to balance out. I'm just saying, that's all.

Good, good, ultraviolent, totally must suspend disbelief drama. SO glad it's back on the air. Fuck hiatuses. Or is that hiati?

Either way, yeah, no TV lately. "Dr No" plays out, on AMC, commercially interrupted, and I'm in here.

I told Kukla today how odd it feels to work a five day week. And how long has it been?

We were trained on a new document today, actually two, and woot woot, and whoo hoo too. So incredibly easy, but she had an 'off' day and could not grasp anything. I'm saying to myself, "Woman, it's not fucking brain surgery, it's so fucking easy, what is your dealio?", but I was patient, and so was the trainer, pressed for time, pressed for time, rush, rush.

Still, I worked my ass off from 9:00 to 1:30, took all the work on myself when Kukla went to lunch, and it was good. I forgot everything for that time.

With no one to talk to, I do resort to intense bouts of searching horoscopes online, Tarot readings, alone and online, on my own, actual cards laid out and otherwise. It's all good, as they say. Anything is possible, confidence is renewed anyway. I feel better.

Penelope wanted to know, she loves the dirt, but I couldn't tell her anything, and realized it's all projection anyway, but sometimes I want to tell her everything. Um, she's a Scorpio, they tend to drag anything out of anyone anyway.

My Aries cat is staring at me. We have an Aries faceoff, a staredown, but I can make her look away.

Oh, it's cold here. Yahoo forecast said 42, but my Windows tray temp has not risen over 30 all day. I'm still in the sweater and bell bottom cords I wore to work. I want to crawl into bed, get cozy.

Zucchini and bacon frittata for dinner. I might have left off the grated Parmigiano Reggiano though, it lent an odd taste. And the bacon is this 'natural' pork bacon, no antibiotics, no animal product feed (and rightly so!), but the flavoring is missing something. It's really simple, just sea salt and brown sugar, or something, I should go look again, but it pales compared to the Boar's Head. I like that it's 'natural', and approaching organic, I'm digging all the organic product I get at the Farmer's Market lately, but it needs more oomph.

The eggs were organic. The zucchini too, I think. And I ate an organically grown red delicious apple for dessert.

I lost almost five pounds from Christmas to now, and it hardly looks like it, but I'm trying to eat better, and I'm happier to fit into my clothes again.

I have nothing else, again, I run out of things to write here. Dear Diary, blah, blah, blah. I have some quick Googling to do...

Cost of the War in Iraq
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Run, Kitty, Run!

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