Thursday, Jan. 08, 2004 / 9:43 p.m.

~Nothing at All, Really~

This must be National Search Engine Day or something. All the hits to this diary have been results of searches for really ridiculous word combos. And one person even stayed, clicked on 38 pages. The other day, yesterday?, someone clicked on 39. Not one word left by either. But they left their 'footprints'. Ah, who cares.

The belly dancer in "From Russia With Love" was amazing. I wonder what happened to her. The scene where she moves her abdomen up and down, utilizes the various muscles, then isolates just to the lower ab muscles, fantastic. Amazing. Wunderbar. Really, see it, rent it, it's on right now. (note to self, don't forget to enter Bond contest on

Slow, slow day at work. Like oh my god it's so slow, shoot me now slow, when will this end, and why can't this last forever? slow.

And once again, when I start reading, I do okay, I zip along, but then Kukla starts in on a phone call to her man, or her friends, and she's all I hear, even though she speaks softly so she thinks I can't hear. I can. It's a drone.

Reminds me of one time I was at my brother's house (hey, look, a little story!), just hanging out, and he was on his PC, doing whatever it was he did back then, probably downloading music or playing chess with some other geek across the globe, and my sister in law and I were in the kitchen, mere feet from him. She was talking, with voice lowered so as not to disturb him, but the frequency began to sound like a drone, to him, and he couldn't stand the sound of it, asked her to be quiet, she said she was whispering, he went on about the tonal quality and its irritating quotient, asked her to raise her voice or be quiet altogether, and she was upset, and I defended her, as I always did...

And there you have it. He had an excellent point. Sometimes a whisper is more annoying than a regular vocal sound. Remember that, kids.

Alrighty then.

So, yeah, hard to read. If not for Kukla, it was the phone calls. I'd just get into whatever article in the EW, and the phone would ring, and it would be someone asking something really stupid and I'd roll my eyes and say the same things I've been saying all week, ad nauseum.

PBJs for lunch lately. Potstickers for dinner tonight. (another note to self, do not forget more dumpling sauce when at Farmers Market next)

Wearing new flannel jammies, the kitty/Christmas jams. 'Playful kittens playing with strands of Christmas lights', Bad Kitty, Bad! (Oh no, I look more closely and they're not playing at all, they're merely sitting near the lights and some ornaments - one wears a Santa hat, one a bow on her tail, one a bow around his neck, they're doing just fine) The flannel is SO SO soft though.

Ah, a touch of freezing rain today, sort of fun, but temps just too high for snow. I wanted a snow day for tomorrow, but not many agreed with me. Screw you.

Mighty propitious horoscope for tomorrow, but no plans. Durr. Perhaps I should go out anyway, just to go out, but then again, no. Can't decide, tomorrow is a new day, will know after work for sure.

Suddenly losing pronouns. No real need for all the "I"s anyway, we know this is all about me, yes yes?

Want to get in bed and watch Bond, tired all of a sudden, suddenly quite tired. Must be from a long hard day of doing really nothing at all.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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Run, Kitty, Run!

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It Was 40 Years Ago Today - 9:44 a.m. , Friday, Oct. 12, 2012

Dead Black Cat - 9:07 a.m. , Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2012

As Seen From Outer Space - 1:07 a.m. , Saturday, Dec. 05, 2009

I Survived to Tell the Tale - 7:29 a.m. , Friday, Sept. 18, 2009

Reading My Life - 12:55 p.m. , Saturday, Sept. 12, 2009

Happy Kitty

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