Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 / 4:01 p.m.

~If You Do Not File Today, You Will Erupt Into a Grand Conflagration! And Go Straight To Hell, Prison, Or Both~

Why is processor spelled with an �or� and protester spelled with an �er�? I always want to spell it protestor, but wait, now Word is not correcting me, can it be either/or??? English is interesting.

I saw a Delorean on my lunch break. Brushed steel body, gull wing doors, a man in his early 60s squatting just to get in, showing off the doors, etc. to an elderly couple. It�s not every day you see one of those cars, but I�m old enough to remember when they were briefly manufactured, and how soon they became obsolete.

I almost dropped off my disposable camera (protest pics from January and April � assuming the X-Ray machine at the Reagan building didn�t fog the film) for film developing, but didn�t see the checkbox option for a photo disk, asked the counter associate, who was talking to a friend on the phone and barely stopped talking to answer my question incorrectly, and since I was told I could only get a CD, not a floppy disk, I left, stared at the Delorean in the parking lot, and went home.

At home, kitties greeted me, stretched, and I rubbed their backs, scritched their little heads and gave them kisses, turned on the a/c and stood on the futon sofa to put my hand across the ceiling vent to make sure cold air was blowing. It was. I called �Amanda� at the apartment office and asked her to thank the maintenance men for fixing my a/c yesterday. She said, �Aw, that�s so sweet�, but regardless, I wanted to thank them for their effort. The note they left said they spent 3 hours on it. A new outside unit was installed.

No hairballs so far today. I�ve paid my taxes, put the checks in the envelopes and mailed them off along with the payment vouchers for the TeleFile system. I filed by telephone. Easy peasy.

I also changed my withholding allowance today, on account of I didn�t like paying $153 Federal. I understand SOME people pay a whole lot more, but for me, that�s too much, especially since last year it was $72. Our HR Manager explained to me I can change my withholding as often as I like. She said it�s my money and I can manage it, I should manage it. So, I�m experimenting, for the first time in five years of working here. That was a big deal for me. I can be REALLY averse to any sort of change, even beneficial change, but it seems that once the change takes place I feel an overwhelming feeling of accomplishment.

I look forward to seeing how much my pay changes. If it�s drastic I�ll change it back.

So, I was telling H., my Supervisor, about how I had to go talk to the HR Manager, how not enough taxes were withheld, yada, yada, yada, and she starts telling me how she owes $1200, and she likes to have her money all year and pay it when she�s ready to pay it, how she�s going to file her taxes, probably tonight, etc., because she�s one of these people who tells you all about HER when you go to her to talk about YOU. �H., I have a horrible headache and I think I need to go home and lie down�, �I�ve had a migraine to end all migraines for three weeks now and the doctor says there�s nothing he can do, but I�m going in for a CAT scan later this week, and if I don�t get some sleep I don�t know what I�ll do. I haven�t slept for two months�� That sort of thing.

But� I started in on how pissed I am about where my tax dollars are going right now, and how we, as taxpaying citizens of this country, need to find out how our money is spent and protest if it�s going towards INVASIONS of Middle Eastern countries, etc., and holy moly if she didn�t shock the shit out of me by telling me how it�s all about oil, and we�re just trying to take over all the oil fields in the Middle East! You just never know who�s antiwar and who�s pro, and who is right down the middle. I�m constantly surprised. She sort of kept going, as she does, and I just nodded, told her I was in D.C. on Saturday, protesting once again, and she joked that I�m going to be arrested one day, that ��we�ll see you on TV, getting put into the van�. Possibly. I suggested she share her knowledge of the �real reasons� behind the Invasion with people she knows, try to educate people, and she just shrugged it off.

She said Bush was so busy telling us about how evil Hussein is (and apparently it�s true), but that was not the reason we were over there bombing people. How right you are.

I�m feeling a little out of the loop lately, news-wise, but here�s the latest I read online on my first break at work today. Apparently, US troops opened fire on a group of PROTESTERS/PROTESTORS in Mosul, Iraq, and fucking KILLED at least 10. That�s democracy? That�s liberation from brutal dictatorship? They don�t like the new governor and they�re protesting and so you kill them? How violent was it? What happened to rubber bullets?

A quote: "One witness, Marwan Mohammed, 50, said: "We were at the market place near the government building, where Juburi was making a speech. He said everything would be restored, water, electricity, and that democracy was the Americans.

"As for the Americans, they were going through the crowd with their flag. They placed themselves between the civilians and the building. The people moved toward the government building, the children threw stones, the Americans started firing. Then they prevented the people from recovering the bodies."

How about that shit?

The phone is ringing almost non-stop here at work, it�s really difficult to focus, and I can�t believe I�ve typed the above during the onslaught. It�s also outrageously comical how many people are desperate for W-2 statements on April 15th. No, we cannot FAX them. No, you won�t erupt into a grand conflagration if you don�t file today. Really. Promise.

Tonight we see Keifer Sutherland naked on �24�, or is it a body double?? Either way, I�ve decided to order takeout Thai from a nearby restaurant I�d totally forgotten about. Six years I�ve lived in my neighborhood and I�ve never tried it. It�s worth a shot, especially since it�s about one mile away.

Oh, one more news item, Rodney King crashed his SUV into a utility pole, and apparently someone�s home, today, yesterday, recently, I�m not sure. He was drunk. Dude got $3.8 MILLION in a settlement from Los Angeles and look at him now. Huh. Kind of makes you just say, Huh.

Oh, I lied, one more thing, NO ONE is going to fall for this Syria crap. The Syrian Ambassador to the US was on that Russert show night before last, and the Russert asshole kept rushing him, interrupting him, etc. (it was Russert, right?), but he was saying how ridiculous it all is, how Bush needs to be impeached, etc. It was great for him to get a voice on an American television news program (�Meet the Press�?).

My sunburn still hurts.

No, wait, dammit, one more thing, I tried to watch some of that Armageddon show on PBS last night, Ted Turner�s new documentary, but every time I flipped to it they were showing dead people, babies, etc., or showing testing of biological weapons on animals. Nope. Can�t watch that. Tried, but low sensitivity threshold.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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