Saturday, Dec. 13, 2003 / 12:47 p.m.

~A Few Things~

Lately I haven't felt like writing online, here or anywhere, so I haven't.

Work has been somewhat consistent, yet in a constant state of uncertainty and flux, thus causing some stress. My relationship with Kukla mirrors the entire situation and Jane is my only relief. Next week I'll work the department by myself, as Kukla takes the entire week off to go to a funeral.

Maintenance may be the bane of the procrastinator's existence, but when one neglects one's car, one pays a hefty price in the end. I may need either a new head gasket or an entire new engine. We'll see.

I'm tired of cat vomit, most particulary Norman's vomit, as it ends up all over the carpet. I'm not sure there's a spot upon which she's not regurgitated. Not so conveniently, she tends to do this after the post-work feeding, their 'supper', which is also the time I am sitting down to eat. And lately Glad wants to eat her recent dinner. I have to almost kick her from it.

This causes stress, and during PMS, small nervous breakdowns. Small = key word.

A lot of people hate Wal Mart for poor employee relations, i.e. business practices, and many are choosing to boycott, but this is ridculous. Wal Mart was slammed after work last night, my first visit since receiving a rather formal request to boycott. I want everything in that store. If anything, I'd accuse them of having some subliminal message in their music played over loudspeakers. But wait, was there music, or just a constant, low, "You need more, buy more, don't you love it?, you need it, it's cheap, buy it, stay, you have time, buy it, you need it, it's cheap" over and over again?

I bought one Christmas present this year, for one person, because I only buy if I feel I want to give to someone, I don't believe in forced gift giving. I can't wait to give it.

I had a really small Christmas card list. Four people. It seems sad, but it's merely pared down.

When I don't write here for days, the only visitors are web searchers, and lately the number one search is majorly puzzling. How can so many people be actually typing those words into search engines, daily, several times a day? Around the world? How can that be the most important thing on people's minds?

I just read something about an Iraq army walkout. That's US Army, in Iraq.

I slept in my bed last night, and it was good.

I wanted to buy new flannel sheets last night, at the store everyone hates, well, the lefty liberal white people anyway (which I'm sick of, quite frankly, I'm leaning more conservatively left lately), but they had none in my bed's size in the patterns I liked, so I bought jersey cotton instead. In a wild pattern, very colorful. And a new bed skirt, i.e. ruffle.

To stress the importance of that paragraph, let me add that I've not purchased new bedsheets since 1996. And, the dust ruffle on my bed belonged to my mother, circa 1975, or older even. Yeah. I don't buy clothes, sheets, furnishings, not really.

I buy food. And calendars.

Hence, whilst buying lunch at the Farmers Market yesterday, I saw a beautiful wall calendar of cat paintings, so I bought it. I shop sometimes when I'm low. Buying nice things for myself, pretty things, helps my mood.

Is this good? We won't make judgments.

I need to find out if I'm a registered Democrat. I think I registered independent of any party affiliation, but I can't remember, it's been so long. I'm online to research, and thought I'd write just 'a few things' here.

I think I'm done now.

Wait, one more, I feel CBS was misguided in planning to air the "Survivor" finale on a Sunday night. "Survivor" is a Thursday show, the finale, two hours, or one, or three or four, should also be shown on a Thursday. I hope I remember to watch.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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Run, Kitty, Run!

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As Seen From Outer Space - 1:07 a.m. , Saturday, Dec. 05, 2009

I Survived to Tell the Tale - 7:29 a.m. , Friday, Sept. 18, 2009

Reading My Life - 12:55 p.m. , Saturday, Sept. 12, 2009

Happy Kitty

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