Tuesday, Sept. 07, 2004 / 7:28 p.m.

~Finding Good in Everything, and Especially in Words~

Ah yes, where was I?

Know what feels really good? A nice hot shower after a long hard day. Mmmmm...

My next door neighbor does this weird thing, he paces outside in the 'breezeway' (but can it really be considered a breezeway if there is only one open end?, no room for an actual 'breeze', yes?), right outside my, and his, I suppose, door, talking on his cell phone.

Now, I just got my own cell phone, yes, yes, I gave in, I felt I 'needed' one, and this is old news, but I don't need to step out to use it. No, it works inside the apt, so what is his deal? There was another mole-like gent living with this guy, but I never, and I mean NEVER, see that guy anymore, so I kinda think this guy is living there alone now, pace-y guy, so why is he leaving his apt to talk on the cell?

Anyway, yeah, one time he was talking to a girl, making plans, trying to get her to go out with him. And I know because I can hear him. Well, I can hear him talking, and when he gets right up to my door in the pacing thing I do tend to put my ear to the door to hear better.

Yesterday, though, he was talking to "Ma", telling her what dire straits he is in, financially, how much money he still owes on his car, and how something happened with some light that came on, and he's worried it will cost a lot of money, and I mean I now know exactly how much he owes, and that he's getting another check soon, and his Ma shouldn't worry because no, don't worry, he'll figure something out.

And no, he assures her, it will not be illegal.

Yeah, he actually said that.

Dude, I want to fling open my door and say, "I can HEAR you!". But I don't. I guess it's more fun to listen in. After a while it's boring and I turn away, but still he's there, pacing from his door to mine, back and forth, and I realize how paper thin the walls are here, how poorly insulated they are, these apartments in general, and how one strong shove would break my front door (oops, only door really) in.

Oh joy.

So, I'm clean. Good and clean. Work is hell. Ish. We just can't seem to catch up from the database being down a couple weeks ago. And Jane is on vacation so I do her work now in addition to mine. Mustn't complain, I know, as she did mine when I was on vacation, the vacation wherein I got sick, then the three days wherein I called in sick, and all of it compounded she must have been hating me, but to my face, when I returned, she was nothing but Good Sport personified.

Moving along, Hermione, from Out West, sent me a beautiful blank book. FANTASTICALLY beautiful, no, no, no, EXCEPTIONALLY beautiful, with a design by one of my favorite artists, and it has a magnetic closure, so it closes, like a Dear Diary kind of book, without the lock. I want to write really good words in it.

Maybe words like 'fantastic' and 'exceptional', amidst some of the usual ramblings. It's cat oriented art too, so maybe it should be all about the last days, years, who knows, of N & G, the high maintenance geriatric cats with whom I currently share my life.

Nice segue there... Norm is sick. Diarrhea. Lovely, that's a pretty word, but too bad it's so stinky and messy in reality. Poor girl, I know, but I'm so selfish all I think about is cleaning it. Oh, speaking of, I bought a great carpet cleaner today, a Woolite spray just for pet 'messes'.

Of course it smells pretty strong too, but in a much better way.

This entry is slowly dissolving, mutating, morphing into the mundane.

Example: yesterday I did FOUR loads of laundry, changed my sheets, washed the dishes, watched FIVE "Guiding Light"s on tape, and showered and washed my hair. On Labor Day.

And, I cleaned up a lot of diarrhea and some vomit, and stuff like that.

Don't you wish you were me? Ah, isn't life grand? I have it made, I tell you. Couldn't be better really, no, really. This is the life, kids, this is it!

Today we have Ms. Frances rolling in, or actually last night was when she BARRELED in, high winds, flickering power, etc. and etc. Today is constant rain, misty drizzle, more, misty drizzle, harder, drizzle, hard, etc.

Lots of 'etc.' to report.

But, I have microwave popcorn. See, isn't there always something good? I'm looking hard to find it.

Think I'll go cuddle with Gladys, eat some popcorn, watch some TV. And look at my new book, imagine what I'll write in it, something good, good words, like elongated, tarantella, spatula, perpetuity, sequential. Mmmmm... words.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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Run, Kitty, Run!

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I Survived to Tell the Tale - 7:29 a.m. , Friday, Sept. 18, 2009

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Happy Kitty

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