Sunday, Feb. 29, 2004 / 6:00 p.m.

~The Body Is Ill-Equipped~

No, I didn't go see the torture movie this weekend. I didn't go see any movie. I haven't left my apartment, second weekend in a row. And, I just got nasty email from man telling me that he's sick of 'lame ass people' and wants to leave my city altogether. Sadly, I don't think his problem is the people he is meeting, I think it may be him.

He's asked me to hang out, and I'd love to have a friend with whom to 'hang out', sure, but lately I'm not 'hanging out' with anyone but my cats. I don't want to get in my car if I don't have to, it doesn't run well at all. The tires need air, every air machine I know of around here is broken, it needs oil, I need to go and lift the hood and pour oil in, but I don't feel like getting dressed.

I'm tired, I've got the PMS, and last night I came down with the 'I'm coming down with something' thing. I had this horrible dry hack, the shortness of breath, the weakness, the nausea, the achiness, and I had no idea what it was, just wanted it to go away.

I took some echinacea for the first time in quite a while, and maybe it's a placebo, but whatever, I feel better today, still tired, but I don't need someone I barely know, someone I met on one 'blind date', and decided I could possibly be friends with at some point in the future, to harass me because I don't feel like driving 'into town', some 30 minutes, just to 'hang out' with him and listen to his sad sack stories about how he's getting nowhere in the online personals and believes it's because he's in the wrong town.


But hey, here is something cool, if you're getting overwhelmed by Google hits for anything, any mix of choice words drawing people, strangers, to your little diary or journal, or any web site, did you know you can submit that page to Google and have them remove it? Google hits disappear?


I slept on the sofa again, and I think it was during "Mrs Minniver". I had no desire to stay up as late as I was staying up, which was rather late, and I felt so sick, which is really not fair seeing as how I was just sick like three weeks, a month maybe, ago, but we all know life is unfair.

I woke just in time to tune into the CBS Presidential Candidate Discussion, i.e. the question/answer session with Kerry and Edwards whilst little Dennis and big Al looked on. It was SO very embarassing. "Senator Kerry...?", "Senator Edwards...?" Hello! There are two other guys, who do not have the delegates yet, sitting there, and maybe it would be nice to include them.

I had/have such tremendous admiration for Kucinich and Sharpton for persevering in the face of the blatant disrespect to which they are subjected on a daily basis.

And Dennis actually used the words 'sustainable society' in a sentence. America is not ready for him, but I am. He makes more than so much sense, he is 'the way'. America wants more talking heads, more puppets, more politicians blowing rhetoric out their asses, not saying anything, not answering questions, in a singular quest for the most powerful office in the land, but those people don't want to help you or me, not at all, they want the position, and don't think it's anything more nor less.

Embarassing, so horrible.

But, after that, a bit later, was "The Man In the Moon", one of the best movies ever, and one I tune into invariably if I see it's on, and it made me cry. It's so very sad, but so wonderful, so delightful, so rich, so full of life. And I totally love the house used in the film. Gorgeous. I want to live there and fry up chicken, mash some potatoes and steam some fresh shelled peas for supper.

I have lost my appetite though, I guess because of whatever is trying to invade my ill-equipped body, but I just ate anyway, some roasted asparagus, portabello 'shrooms and peppers, with some of my favorite chicken sausages, this time flavored with roasted red peppers and garlic. Wonderful flavors, but I have no desire for food right now.

Alas, the Oscar countdown(s), then the awards themselves (Oh yes, that's what I was doing last night, watching the Independent Spirit Awards, which were so so so good! The director of "21 Grams" said that "...cinema is neutral, the beauty, or ugliness, comes from the interior of the person who watches." Isn't that beautiful?), which I sincerely hope I can stay awake through.

And somehow I managed to do two loads of laundry today. How in hell?

This is just a little something, so I keep up with writing every day, but it's not any great effort. I need to go lie down now.

(******Um, excuse me, but why didn't anyone tell me my archives pages were all fucked up? Oh, sure, I found out all on my own, and I fixed it, no worries here, but come on, there is a guestbook you know. Jeez.******)

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