Saturday, Feb. 28, 2004 / 6:57 p.m.

~So, What Did You Think?~

I don't know, call me crazy (You're crazy!), but I don't think I could sit and click on 134 pages of someone's online diary and not leave a little note of some kind. Especially on WebTV, Jeez, isn't that like you're watching the Interweb on your TV? Someone sat in his/her living room and watched my diary for over two hours? Did you like it? Was it better than "Law and Order: Sport Utility Vehicle", at least?

Hell, I have no idea anymore, things are just crazy on the Interweb.

And it wasn't but maybe one hour ago that I was saying, okay, I'll just take a shit and then I'm going to vacuum the entire apartment. Oh, but wait, let me turn on the computer, er, you know, just to check my email, yeah, just send the guy a quick note, so I don't have to call him back, because I just don't want to talk to him on the phone, I have so little to say. "Er, Hi, um, yeah, it's me, and hey, I have nothing to say, so no, I don't really feel like hanging out, it's not you, it's me, I'm just gonna sit in my flannel pants on the sofa and watch digital cable, okay?" Why bother?

Oh my god, I have never once mentioned my bowel movements here. Can you believe I just did? Yeah, they're incredibly regular, I shit every morning, like clockwork, at home, try NEVER to do it out in public, in a public bathroom, hate that, hate it. I've shit in the woods before though, when camping, and I didn't do it right, there is a right way, you're supposed to use a small shovel, or trowel, to dig a hole, and it should be a certain amount of inches deep, and you should cover it after, etc., etc.

There is even a book out, How To Shit In the Woods, appropriately enough, and when I managed the Nature section at the bookstore we sold a lot of copies. I made sure to order more and always have it on hand, and people would look at it and laugh, but I'd say, hey, it's serious, it's a really good book, you like to hike or camp, you should buy a copy, read it, it's important in the overall scheme of communing with nature, and leaving nature as you find it. I bought it, of course. I think there was a sequel.

Ah well, there you go. Not the subject I had in mind when I opened this window to write, but it just kind of popped up.

Anyway, yes, the reason it was only an hour or two ago is that I slept nearly the entire day, and that sort of is a big shame because the weather cleared, the sun shone, the sky was blue, the temp crawled up into the sixties, and I missed it. I was up early enough to look out the window and see it all there, the trees, the sky, the sunshine shining on everything, but I was so so so tired.

I stayed up until about 3:30 this morning, goofing around online, using that damned license plate generator, and the hooker receipt generator, yeah, fun stuff, and writing in the LJ, and reading journals, and one diary in its little entirety, and just stuff. The Interweb can be endlessly entertaining. It got to the point, though, that my eyes were actually hurting. I found myself turning backwards in my chair, looking around the room at my books in all their shelves, rubbing cat bellies, heads, anything to take me away from this.

It was like some sick addiction, hours worth of being here, and each time I thought of logging off, I'd think of something else I wanted to do first, and then wondering what if I turn the computer off and I think of something else? It takes too long to log back on, mustn't turn it off, mustn't...

So it was I missed the sunshiney day, and I slept until about 4:00, amidst grand protestations from my two feline friends, and I was cranky when I got up, and had a headache when I got up, and I told them to leave me alone, in no uncertain terms, until I'd had my coffee, and then I gave them some vittles, and I cut my nails and filed them, and gave little G cat the used nail file (after cutting her claws/nails too), because really, I have a whole package of new fresh ones, why keep using the old one? I am so frugal, so thrifty, what is wrong with me?

And she loved her new toy, for a whole half hour at least. And the other cat had to look at it and wonder why it wasn't hers, but then realized it's because she doesn't give a rat's ass for the elusive Emery Board, the creature that only comes out on rare occasions, and can be found in only one area, must be captured at all costs.

Blah, blah, blah.

One hundred thirty four pages? Granted, some of that could've been backclicking, on the 'older' page. But please, that's a lot of time spent, over two hours here. Yikes, really. I pity the fool. Um, I mean, thanks, I appreciate your attention, it's nice, I guess. Again, what did you think? Do you think I'm simply mad?

Oh, I have so many opinions on so very many controversial headlining topics right now. From that Jesus movie, which you cannot pay me to see, to Mel Gibson and what a nut he is, to the whole Osama thing, and the fact that my guess is he's been dead for a couple years now and they will drag out his body to display right after Super Tuesday, or maybe ON Super Tuesday!! Oh, oh, oh, that would be SO perfect! Deflect ALL attention away from the election!!

Um, right. I'm feeling sort of carpal tunnel-y, and really, I do need to vacuum, and it's still early enough in the day to do it and not feel I'm being rude to my downstairs neighbor, so yeah, and I love how the carpet feels underfoot after it's vacuumed of all the stray litter that ends up all over the place...........

Hmmmm, well, we'll call it quits then. For now, eh?

Cost of the War in Iraq
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As Seen From Outer Space - 1:07 a.m. , Saturday, Dec. 05, 2009

I Survived to Tell the Tale - 7:29 a.m. , Friday, Sept. 18, 2009

Reading My Life - 12:55 p.m. , Saturday, Sept. 12, 2009

Happy Kitty

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