Monday, Jul. 26, 2004 / 11:13 p.m.

~Doubt Amidst the Hope~

Hope is not just a town in Arkansas, hope is a place in my heart. Aw, isn't that corny and sweet? It's true though. I don't want to be politically jaded, bitter and cynical, I don't want to hate my president, nor be ashamed to be an American, this land is my land and your land too, and it's a sweet land of liberty, and sure, white European men came here and killed off the native peoples and gave any who didn't die little plots of land to live on, helped them build casinos, but is it all that bad?

In my lifetime, comparatively not a long time at all, I've already had to relearn everything I've been taught about this land that is your land and mine together, about what 'really' happened here, and I've tried to reconcile all my feelings, not hate, not regret, not feel shame and anger.

Because I do love what our 'founding fathers' set out to do, and I love some of the documents they created, and I even loved Bill Clinton talking tonight of creating that more Perfect Union that was always desired.

And I do remember what it felt like when we all seemed like one people, after that fateful day in two thousand one, though some of us wanted revenge, some of us wanted death and destruction to those who were only 'perceived' as our enemies, before it got out of hand. And so very out of hand it has gotten.

But hope is still alive, despite Jesse Jackson standing with arms folded, refusing to applaud the man whose charm could never elude me, the man I wish could be president still, The Billster.

I want regime change, and I want us to find a way to do all the things Bill Clinton spoke of so passionately and expressively and sexily charismatically as hell, I want all that, I want us to be a great country, to make up, somehow, to repair our bad karma, for all the bad things we've done, maybe feed the world and find cures for AIDS and Cancer and clothe everyone who needs clothes, and give everyone jobs, and plots of land, and a cow and a horse and a sheep, and a million dollars, and stick daisies in the barrels of all the guns currently pointed and ready to fire.

I want peace, and love, and prosperity and happiness, for the entire world, and I want us, the richest nation in it, to open it up, to get it started, to fix what we've fucked up so very royally.

I just don't know that Kerry is the man to get it all started. I want Clinton back, with Gore, and Kucinich, and Sharpton, and little Johnny Edwards. Maybe Kerry could be treasurer or something.

Aside from a brief foray into the world of bizarre 'reality television programming', one "Trading Spouses", my TV's been tuned to C-SPAN all night. Screw the talking heads, man, just pure DNC coverage here.

Clinton's speech tonight was amazing. I think I want to watch it on tape every night. How is it that with the right orator politics can be so fucking sexy?

Cost of the War in Iraq
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