Sunday, Apr. 18, 2004 / 9:27 p.m.

~Take the Pill~

It might be the wine, it might be the closed window in this room (don't want pollen in the library), but it's hot in here.

"24" is on tonight, a postponed episode, postponed due to the Shrub speaking last Tuesday, the regular "24" night, but really, let's get to the meat, shall we? The theme is imminent death. A 'weaponized' virus has been unleashed in a hotel's ventilation system, most exposed will be dead in six hours, and it will be a painful, horrible, bloody, pus-y, icky death. They now have the option of taking a 'suicide pill' instead of waiting for the natural unnatural occurrence to occur. And I say, take the damned pill.

And Ryan Chappelle is wanted dead as well. They have to find the bad guy, Saunders, before the next fifteen minutes or that's it for Ryan. We all just go about our lives not thinking about our deaths but in brief spurts, or late night insomnia, but what if it were right there, staring you in your bloody nose, the gun pointed at your head?

Imminent death. Very good story, this.

It's almost over now, as I've been watching, writing this on commercials.

And the weekend is almost over as well. I'm afraid to go to sleep, or more accurately, afraid I won't wake up tomorrow, not after what happened on Friday. I can't take another night of scattered dreams and a.m. confusion, wondering first thing, as always, what day it is, what is going on, where am I to be, and the time, what is the 'real' time?

I have to assert my will power.

It's hot in here, the fan's in the window, the porch has been open all day. Instead of going out, I brought the outside in, and it was glorious, but it is hot, it just is.

I can see sleeping naked or in little clothes, covers pulled back, fan in window. It's too early for air conditioning.

Will Jack Bauer shoot Ryan Chappelle???

Okay, that was hard to watch.

Death is a sure thing, for fictional characters as well as the rest of us. And which is easier, to know, to see it coming, or to be caught unaware?

I hope I wake up tomorrow.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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Run, Kitty, Run!

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