Saturday, Apr. 17, 2004 / 11:07 p.m.

~But Is a Cross Post Really Better Than No Post At All?~

Yep, too lazy to recount it all again, and not that it was a lot, but I made the Hamburger Helper, using half pork and half beef, and the pork smelled rank when I removed it from its package and I cooked it anyway! Am I fucking crazy? It was 'fresh', I bought it yesterday after work, it looked fine, it couldn't be that bad, could it? But now I feel ick, and most of that is undoubtedly psychological because I'm so worried I'll end up with ptomaine poisoning, and do people get that still?, and did I spell it correctly?, and I remember getting really sick from some 'bad' sausage once, had the runs for days, quite literally...

I should stop eating meat, I know. But this was Whole Foods meat, good stuff. They even sell 'grass fed' beef now. No, beef doesn't eat grass, cows eat grass. Let's call a spade a spade, shall we?, or at the least a cow a cow.

Watching "Strangers On a Train", but not while I'm here writing this, so I must get back. Therefore, before it becomes tomorrow, and thusly too late, here is something I posted elsewhere, hence the 'cross post' of the title.

And herewith (I love these words: alas, hence, herewith, therefore, shall, whilst):

I got sidetracked doing things around the abode, mainly just straightening piles of mail received in the past couple of weeks, organizing my book bag I carry to work, pulling out things that don't belong there, like bill stubs and printed emails and such. Paper seems to breed in my presence.

But, alas, I got myself out and about, went to a scary place, a northern Suburb, an actual Exurb, and I can't believe I actually once lived that far north, it is a vast wasteland of rampant vacuous consumerism and sheep-like behavior indulged in by mainly overweight white people who wear shorts when the temps rise above 60 degrees fahrenheit.

I thought the shoe stores there were discount, but they are not, and although I have it in my head I want some groovy Skechers like the kids are wearing, I found none that turned me on, and the prices were high and I could not wait to leave there, desperately could not.

Then I drove all the way into 'town', with which I am so totally familiar, a place where tall trees that are not conifers still grow and prosper, and though things are closer together they are more beautiful and somehow more worthy.

And, I saw "Mayor of the Sunset Strip" at the indy multiplex, and it was really good, and I ate $3.50 popcorn with real butter, and drank Cran Grape juice. The movie is a documentary about current L.A. radio station KROQ late night DJ, Rodney Bingenheimer, one who is referred to as a 'groupie' and a West Coast Andy Warhol, both reverentially. He's met every rock luminary, from the Beatles to The Smiths, Jimi Hendrix to Ray Manzarek, and Exene Cervenka and Blondie, and keep going with the names. The guy loves his rock and roll, and he has promoted, and hung on, and hung out, and been photographed with, and danced with, and made out with, and sexed nearly everyone who is anyone in the world of celebrity and most especially rock celebrity. He even had his own small club in the '70s, and the shots of that place, both still, and film footage, were amazing and brought back serious '70s flashbacks.

The music was fantastic, the vintage film footage just as good, and the story of this man, one of whom I'd never heard prior to seeing it, was fascinating and ultimately very sad.

Go see this movie if you love rock and roll, at all, and if it's showing anywhere near you, and if you love good documentaries, and etc.

Afterward I went to a mall, and malls are just fucking weird, I hate them, but I wanted to get a new alarm clock at Pottery Barn, and they didn't have anything I wanted, so I wandered through Williams Sonoma, nearly drooling (Kitchen Aid makes their mixers in LAVENDER now!), and other places, and then nearly ran from there. *Shiver* Creepy malls.

Home now, I plan to cook actual food, and "Annie Hall" is on TCM, so I shall leave it on as background, one of the best movies ever made.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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