Friday, Jan. 28, 2005 / 10:30 p.m.

~Ice Storm~

Know what? Huh? No, guess, guess, guess what? And if you said, "Chicken butt", you are too cool. I'm a damned good writer sometimes.

I know! Not good the tooting of one's own horn, but I was just skimming through the early days of my 'political blog', which shall remain nameless, and man, yeah, good, did I write that? That was I? Me? I'm impressed. I mean sometimes I sit down in front of this thing and I just start typing and in that case, there, when I tried to sound like I knew what the hell I was writing about, politics and shit, some humor thrown in, because I am all about the thrown in humor, well, yes! Good!

Nominate me for another diarist award? Thanks!

Okay, it's the wine. One glass, not even finished. I made the mistake of sharing an article (off the 'web, natch), about how one glass of wine a day, or any alcohol, I'd suppose, can stave off old age dementia in women, with an older coworker, and now she comes to me to tell me how much she's drinking, er, all the time. Today she went on and on about this three litre 'container' of wine she bought last night, for $8.45, and how it's got a screw top and she put it in the fridge, and has one in storage now too, and how GOOD it was, this cheap screw top wine!

I just sat and listened to her switch from wine to her high maintenance dog, to the cat she never really liked, to the Bloody Mary she made for her husband last night, in utter fascination and amazement, keeping up with all of it, and looking her up and down, noticing how spry she is, and watching as her short top kept rising up above the waist of her jeans, wondering if I'd see her belly there, and wondering still if it is wrinkled, if she has old stretch marks, what my belly will look like when I'm her age, wondering if I'll ever give birth, wondering, wondering, listening.

And then I told her I can't drink much, I told her I want to have my one glass a day too, with my dinner, but if I drink I 'get high', I can't do it, I'm a lightweight, that I buy a bottle and it sits, I forget to drink it, or I know it will put me to sleep, so I skip it.

But now, I'm having a glass. We're on the verge of an ice storm, and it feels like we can do anything.

I had a mad compulsion to rent the film, by Ang Lee, "The Ice Storm", and so I went to the '5 videos for 5 dollars for 5 days' store, but they had old old tapes, and assuming the order of the alphabet was adhered to, no, it wasn't there. I braved the drive across the next street, to the shopping center housing my Publix, where the older woman and the older man are always one or the other standing over hot plates serving up entire meals on little plates every time I go in there straight from work (witness last night), to the Blockbuster there, but the crowd, oy, the crowd, the cars driving 'round and 'round as if it were THE MALL at Christmastime, and I drove and drove and parked finally and went in, shielding my eyes from the freezing rain, and saw a guy who works at my job, sits across from me really, and I asked, "You live around here?", and Blockbuster had "The Ice Storm"...

On DVD. Wait, when did this become the 21st century? DVD? Huh? I just bought my new VCR, didn't I? When was that? Two years ago? DVD? I have to buy an adaptor for that, right? My TV is circa 1977. Videotapes are obsolete?

I held the box, the empty DVD box, and wanted to rent it anyway (brave the LONG LINE of people who fear an ice storm is a good reason to rent movies they'd never otherwise watch, like no one READS anymore), go to the DVD store, buy a DVD player, and an adaptor, and get with the times, immediately. I wanted to watch, I wanted to hear that tinkly icy music, and watch Christina Ricci ride her bicycle on that cold street, and see those 'key party' scenes, again, and Tobey Maguire, before he was Spiderman, and I wanted it, bad.

Now I'm drinking wine and reading and writing and soon I must get off this crazy thing.

If I win the lottery tonight, in fifteen minutes, I will buy a new car, a scanner/printer, a digital camera, a new computer, with new flat screen monitor and tons of memory and capabilities, and a DVD player, and a host of DVDs, and I won't rent "The Ice Storm", I shall BUY it, to watch every time we have one of our own, ice storm that is.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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It Was 40 Years Ago Today - 9:44 a.m. , Friday, Oct. 12, 2012

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As Seen From Outer Space - 1:07 a.m. , Saturday, Dec. 05, 2009

I Survived to Tell the Tale - 7:29 a.m. , Friday, Sept. 18, 2009

Reading My Life - 12:55 p.m. , Saturday, Sept. 12, 2009

Happy Kitty

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