Tuesday, Feb. 03, 2004 / 10:19 p.m.

~It's Two, and Two Together, and They Make Four, Get It?!?!?!?!~

I started to watch the weather report, something about cold and rain. Not again. After yesterday's nasty weather today was beautiful, but I pulled another 9:00-3:00, so I didn't really pay attention except to drive home in it. Blue sky, check, not so cold, check. Home, mail, online, check, check, eat copious amounts of food from the hot bar at the Farmer's Market, whoo yeah, and I keep forgetting I have this almost cold thing, until I breathe.

It's more a snuffle, and every so often, but not terribly, really, there is one of those huge sneezes. But no yellow snot, I mean no real sign of worsening, it's like I'm holding it at bay, which is good, and I keep fooling myself into believing this will be over in a day or two. So, okay, it's been four days, when is it over?

I think tomorrow I should work a full day. Right? But I don't know how to do that anymore, do I? I should plan better. I should be going on interviews, I should be getting my car repaired, screw the site manager, he may never get around to doing the things he was going to do, I should take it 'in', you know, 'somewhere', like to a garage, a real 'car place'.

Or I could wash it, yeah, or at least fill the tires with air, or see a movie, right? Off work at 3:00 and all I do is come home, eat and read journals, etc. online? That's wack. Or is it whack?

Ooooh, all of a sudden I went blank. That's really odd, for me. Blank. Sort of just turned away from the screen, stared at the carpet and tried to think of something to write and I just wanted to go to sleep, like I'm on Nyquil or something, like I'm drugged, but I'm not.

Having PMS in conjunction with this 'cold' or whatever it is, is definitely really weird. Everything is a bit skewed, but I do feel emotionally healthy. I don't feel remotely close to losing my mind. This is grrrreat!

Jane didn't want to sit with me at work this morning, working on our little project in the other department, because I'm sick, she has a phobia, she does NOT want to come close to anyone who might be coming down with 'whatever it is', and I was deeply offended, I miss her, I miss our girlfriend talk, so, after a few minutes, and me telling her I didn't need her, I can do it by myself, so go away, who needs ya, wah, wah, wah, she sat and we did it and I opened up and all was fine.

I'm like that. I really like that about me, that I can get over slights so quickly. So many people think I'm freaking out and they have to avoid me, or lash out in return to my moods, but give me a few minutes and I'm cool. Isn't that great? I think so.

And, yes, so we got nasty, talking about sex, as per our usual, and we talked about Janet's boob, and homosexuality, and Jane is anti-gay so I have to be really careful what I say, I don't want to argue with her, I don't, and I respect her opinions, sort of, and I also do NOT want to hear them, so we tread lightly.

More staring off into space. I ate so much today. God, the garlic mashed potatoes, the turkey mac, the Italian sausage lasagna, it was all SO good. And then I had to finish off my bag of white cheddar popcorn while watching "24", which is not good anymore. What is with that show? Come on, Jack should be jonesing for the horse, the smack, and Chase should be in serious PAIN, get real. Okay, I know it's not real, but it's supposed to be midnight and these people had a full day of torture and killing, etc. and they don't show any signs of being worse for the wear. It's just wrong.

On the other hand, "Gilmore Girls" is excellent, so witty, so quippy, so fucking well written I just want to hit replay so I can listen to the lines over and over again, er, but it's not on tape. No TiVo here either. No DVD, I am so technologically unhip.

Alas, I ramble so. I have nothing to say. Is it obvious? I think there was a full day of thinking of things, and possibly almost writing them, or maybe I did, but now? Poof! Gone.

Okay, one more, we had some more training today, and it was five of us spilling out of one cubicle, Kukla, Jane, Veronica, Penelope and me. Just like old times, the old gang in training together in the new department. Usually our training is very separate, but the trainer dude got us all together... and I must say, Kukla is impaired. I mean she just cannot get anything.

Say you want to tell her two plus two is four. She'd say, "Wait, so this is two? We start with two? And then, what, what are you saying, there's another two? We're supposed to add them together? I don't get it, what are you trying to say, I'm not getting this", and you sort of shake your head and say to yourself, "Poor thing, what, was she dropped on her head? Is she okay?", and you may ask her, "Kukla, hon, are you feeling alright?", and she'll say, "Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just not getting it" It's kind of embarassing, and I wonder why I never noticed it before. I've worked with this woman for six years. Actually, we were all embarassed, for her.

Okay, I'm snuffly, I'm going to bed. (Help, 'Tickle' just emailed me like six times in a row, asking me if I know my strengths, and do I want to take their test [formerly Emode] to find out - NO, LEAVE ME ALONE!)

Cost of the War in Iraq
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