Tuesday, Jul. 06, 2004 / 12:59 p.m.

~Day Five of Five, the Preliminary Wrap-up~

Day five of five finds me waking again on the sofa (what is it about time off equaling sleeping on the sofa?), watching a bit of "Psycho" as I made my coffee, catching up on "GL"s, still, looking out the window at blue skies and puffy clouds, letting cats on porch, watching Gladys bake in the sun, a fire engine, police car and ambulance outside all contributing to save someone's life, and coming in here to send email to my coworker to see if everything is okay at work, reading some journals and email and getting way excited at Kerry's email telling me, and thousands of others, that he has chosen Edwards as his running mate.

Day five of five has found me very hopeful and excited and wanting political action, craving convention speeches and debates between Bush and Kerry, and Cheney and Edwards, and news and pundits' opinions and yelling at the TV screen again, like before the primaries. This is going to be good, we need this, this country, we need to get fired up, HEY!

We need political pep rallies, and we need to feel we can change the world, make our country as great as it once was, for it was, wasn't it? I seem to remember feeling it was, or was that nothing more than the idealism of youth? Government propaganda? Either way, yeah, yay, yes, and such.

Day five of five finds me luxuriating in the comfort of air conditioning, inside, considering this and considering that, and not doing a whole lot of any one thing, but it's just 1:00 p.m., so that may change. There is a day ahead, and all I know for certain is that I will eat more hot dogs and do a load of laundry, the whites this time. I will at some point shower and wash my hair, and perhaps engage in the styling of a French braid, in an attempt to 'beat the heat' should I venture outside these walls.

But staying in is gloriously luxurious, and there's that 'l' word again. It's been wonderful, this vacation, these five days, and I could have done more, could have been productive and such, but vacations are not about being productive and such, they're about relaxing and enjoying one's self, and I rule at both.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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