Friday, Jul. 09, 2004 / 11:07 p.m.

~The Usual Random Thinking~

I just found a bug on my shirt, and I'm thinking it was a little baby cockroach. Say it with me, "Awwwww, a baby!"

I've had official pest control once in the seven years I've lived here, to my knowledge anyway, and since then there have been bugs. We have ants too. But who hasn't? Whee!

I'm still secretly considering going to a midnight showing of a very obscure movie of which my brother was once fiendishly fond. Should I, shouldn't I, should I, shouldn't I? Pros? Cool! Fun! Cons? Alone?, am I crazy? Pro to counteract first con? I won't be 'alone', there will be other people there. Cons? It's far away, in town, I'm tired, it's late, I've been up since 6:30 a.m., after all. Pro to counteract that con? Oh come on, 'they' say 'You only live once, you know!'.

Who are 'they'? Has anyone yet figured it out?

Good news program on sex just now. A repeat, I think, but it was new to me, not the subject matter, but the presentation. And I loved, loved, loved the inclusion of the apparently recent phenomenon of older women dating younger men. Something tells me it wasn't new until Demi Moore did it.

I was trying to date a boy thirteen years my junior quite recently (after sort of having sex with him three times), but he wrote me off as 'too old', and has opted for a girl ten years his junior instead. A girl still too young to drink alcohol legally, and one who doesn't drink, which is odd considering he's an alcoholic. Or would seem to be.

Ah, but the lovely younger men they showed in the piece. And the one incredibly HOT 45 year old woman married to the even HOTTER guy 14 years younger. Mmmmmm... I'd almost not mind watching them 'do it', if I were at all even remotely interested in sex anymore.

The 67 year old who wrote a book about her recent trollope-y sexual exploits was a hottie too. Fantastic woman, 'gutsy broad', said one.

It was a long three day work week, hard, emotional, productive, full. And yes, tired. Should not attempt the drive tonight. Dangerous to drive when so tired. Midnight movies on Friday nights are not good for those who work, and who would go alone. No one to keep us up on the drive home. Especially without radio in car.

Nothing else, really. The cat is sick. She's better, she's sick, better, sick. I look at her and say, "Tell me, what's wrong? What do you want me to do? How do you feel? Are you sickie? What? Wha? Hmmmm? Tell me!", but she just stares with big soulful green eyes.

And don't worry about terrorist attacks. If they happen, they will happen. Israelis keep riding the buses. Keep riding the bus, live your life, do not succumb to government ordered fear tactics.

And go see "Fahrenheit 9/11".

That is all.

Whoa, almost forgot!!**** Guess what I ate for dinner? No, guess??? That's right, brown rice California rolls with shrimp, and samosas with chutney. Way International, huh? And I watched "The Manchurian Candidate" on PBS. Remember PBS? Still good after all these years. Fantastic and intense film, very appropos, despite the end of the "Cold War", seen it many times, will see it more still. Go rent it, after you see "F9/11".

Cost of the War in Iraq
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