Monday, Mar. 08, 2004 / 9:05 p.m.

~A Man For Every Need - And Spalding Gray Is Dead~

This morning on my way to work I was merging on to the highway, and in that merge I have to get over three lanes or I'll be exiting at the next exit (we have horribly designed exit/entrance ramps on our highway systems, we really do), but this day there were empty five-gallon drums, the kind that are often filled with paint or similar material, flying off the back of a pickup truck, and as I merged, and the cars to my right merged, and the ones ahead of me, and the ones behind me were merging the other way, trying to get off, we suddenly had to avoid running over these drums, or buckets as they bounced all over the road, helter skelter, and I did it, we all did, but any of us could easily have been killed.

It was an early morning obstacle course, and almost as strange as the day the siding flew off the pre-fab house being driven up the highway. Long panels of the stuff, literally just flying through the air and hitting all the cars behind. I avoided that one too, but it's really hard to avoid flying debris when one is traveling at 70 mph in traffic.

That was the start to my day.

I got over it quickly, so quickly in fact that I had to remind myself of it just now.

Then there was the early morning girlfriend talk with Jane at work, telling her about my weekend, and sharing stories only she and I share. Very girly, very giggly, very fun, and I needed it. I really needed her to be my bestest girlfriend this morning, even if she is just a 'work friend'. I needed to talk like that.

The rest of the work day was filled with work, but at my own pace, which is the best part about the new job at the old job. So very little actual supervision. There are watchful eyes, and there is more accountability necessitated, daily, and email communication between us all, but I know what work I have to do and I manage my own time, and I get things done, and I account for all of it, and I did it fine today, just fine.

Then to come home and learn about the death of Spalding Gray, and we all assumed it, and it is all so sad and complex, layered and intense, but I've gotten that off my chest in other writing, and other reading, as it is one of the hot topics spreading through the closeness of the Interweb at this time. It's good to have a community spirit online when we're all touched by the death of someone we felt we knew, or admired, or both.

And in between then and then there was a conversation with a woman at our leasing office, as I was planning to sign my new lease today. She said she'd print it out and have it left at my door instead, but I came home and it wasn't here. She said she's considering taking the vacant upstairs apartment here, and I told her what I know of all the neighbors - and it turns out that is quite a lot. I did include that the new people downstairs are 'white, and sort of redneck-y', in hushed tones, as if white is bad. And I omitted that I previously thought the two men living next door are gay, but now I think they're simply geeky nerds.

She likes the idea of men living here.

And I made sure to tell her about the woman and her teenaged son across the hall, and the woman downstairs with the man who seems to come and go, although I left him out entirely, simply because we are three single women who have all lived here for five years or more. She says she is single and is private, likes to go home and stay in (I joked that she has to have some crazy Friday and Saturday nights where she does in fact head out around 10:00 or 11:00, and she laughed, and agreed), and I instantly adored her. I hope she moves in, I really do.

I am normally not so social, and not so forwardly so with strangers, but every now and then I fall into some cocktail party mode, like with the guy at the bar on Saturday, suddenly like we're old pals, or the woman on the phone today, spilling all the dirt on the people who live in this building.

The artist is flattering me now, saying the most wonderful things about me, but we still have not met. He has seen new photos of me online, and seems smitten. I'm basking in the feeling of being adored. But he's not the one I want. Then again, I still don't know. I'm considering a different man for every need. One for sex, one for ego-boosting, one for auto mechanics, one for bookshelf building, one to help me move, one to cook me fiery ethnic food, one to beat me in Scrabble, one to make me laugh, one who will read to me, one who can tickle my G-spot, one who makes my clitoris sing, one who can kiss like I was kissed Saturday, one who thinks of fucking me as 'making love', and one who wants to marry me, one who thinks I'm intelligent and funny and wants to grow old with me.

A man for every need and desire. Or is there just one, somewhere, who is all of them rolled into one?

I made a date with Kukla. We go to dinner Wednesday night, we've written it in our calendars.

I'm so tired. And Spalding is dead.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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