Friday, Jan. 14, 2005 / 10:17 p.m.

~Loving the Bomb~

This shall be a somewhat truncated version of a regular diary entry, as I'm too tired to walk into the next room to get my glasses, and the leaning way in to see the screen is not quite conducive to some long discourse on the state of me and my day.

I just got home from seeing "Dr. Strangelove, Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb", for the one bajillionth time. Only second time in a theatre though, and this was a small crowd, especially considering it was opening night of the re-release and all. I'm just so happy we have a theatre that shows most of the re-releases of the classic films, and that it's not far, and that they're remodeling their bathrooms and putting in a bar, per their latest email update.

I simply saw the film and left, by my lonesome, though I wasn't lonesome, I had the sound of the giggly girl to keep me company.

Some chick laughed, often inappropriately, throughout. I kept thinking, marijuana?, LSD? Is she tripping? What is her dealio? It's weird. And the guy in front of me and over a couple seats looked bored, kept resting his head in his hand, looking around the theatre, I don't know, bad day? Fight with the s.o.? She seemed to enjoy it, laughed when it was funny, caught all the irony and insanely clever dialogue, and obviously had never seen it.

Which reminds me, the guy at the box office said a spontaneous "Yay!", when I said, "One, for "Dr. Strangelove, please". Too funny. I asked why and he said, "Because everyone should see this movie", so I said, "It was on TV last weekend...", and he said, "Really?" What, a movie buff doesn't get TCM on his cable at home? What, no, wait, don't tell me, he has DSL for his Interweb, and rents/buys DVDs for his movies.

State of the art cell phone, takes pictures and all, and an Ipod for his music. He's the ? generation. What are they calling themselves, the twentysomethings of today?

Anyway, right, right.

Today was fantastic, thanks to someone sending me the best text messages ever on my cell phone, speaking of technology. The dynamic was there, just with words. (I just let out a sigh)

I'm super longing right now. Super. Isn't that a great word too? Our Department Manager at work uses that word all the time, and you'd have to hear her accent to fully appreciate it. I do a good imitation if you ever want to hear my version. She's way Southern, and has a speech impediment, due to hearing loss I believe, not quite sure. But she is a trip, just the way she talks, the choice of words, and her manipulation of people with them.

Seems nice, operative word 'seems', but it's a ruse.

Yes, I am going to turn on TCM and see what's on now. Last night was a film called "Railroaded", circa 1947, with Hugh Beaumont, aka Ward Cleaver - yes, Wally and the Beav's dad. There was a great line in there, a guy walking in on his female friend, lover, not sure, drinking, just wasted, like "Reefer Madness" wasted, and he says, "Just when you oughta keep your head ya start pickling it!" I loved that so much I wrote it down. Maybe you had to be there, not sure. Hugh didn't say it either, someone else did. But I didn't tune in for long, I came in a half hour late and it was going full steam ahead, a four star recommended oldie but goodie, and every line sounded worthy of writing down.

I would've gotten a cramp from all the writing.

Hey, it's Friday night. I was out, intown, and I could've done anything, but I felt conspicuous by myself, as I often do, and just wanted to come home. So, here it is then, here am I here... and LiveJournal is down, man, way down! It's funny, all the LJ junkies must be clutching their keyboards, their mouses, must be IMing their friends, text messaging, what have you, maybe even making phone calls, maybe even going out to see movies, like I did!!


Oh, one more thing, and this is longer and chattier than expected, but I am worried about Gladys. She sleeps, and sleeps and sleeps. She eats, sure, good appetite, no weight loss, and she drinks, pees, drinks, pees, drinks, pees, VOLUMES, GALLONS, and I scoop, scoop, scoop, you get it, but it's the sleeping. And she seems a bit dull in the coat, like maybe she's not grooming so much.

Is it because I spend too much time online? Should I engage her more? We have 'quality time', I make sure of it. Is she just getting sicker?

We shall see. That is all, for now.

(P.S. I have an entry here somewhere, in almost four years of writing on Diaryland, about seeing "A Clockwork Orange" and "Dr. Strangelove" (double feature!) at the FOX Theatre, on the BIG screen, with an audience filled with diehard Kubrick fans - I'd link, but I've not the energy to search for it. Maybe tomorrow? Nah, we know I love a challenge, and I found it easily with the handy dandy Diaryland entry search feature: Kubrick Cognoscenti)

(P.P.S. It's 43 degrees outside and I just saw people in t-shirts and shorts. Excuse me?)

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