Thursday, Apr. 22, 2004 / 9:58 p.m.

~Earth Day Moneymaker Shaking~

Last night it was garlic-stuffed olives, and then apples. I ate two apples. Tonight with the apples again. I could eat several. These were organic. I try to buy as much organic produce, etc., as I can.

There was just an old Superman cartoon on the Boomerang channel. I mean really beautiful animation, like watercolors beautiful. I intended to sit and watch it, but there is something magnetic about this computer, I swear.

Today I learned it is nearly impossible for me to study the different ways to separate independent clauses and use semi-colons appropriately whilst two women sit directly behind me having a conversation about their children and husbands. I turned the volume up on my Ali Farka Toure album, but had to leave to find another computer, and that one was too slow.

My Supervisor says I need to tell the Department Manager, but if I do, then she'll tell people to keep it down around the shared computers and the two women in question will know it was I who said something. Whatever.

I am loving the computer learning classes. On company time. I wonder if I could really write a business letter or memo when I'm through with it all. Maybe I should have written, I wonder if I will be able to...

I have little interest in using formal grammar, but it's nice to know. I already know that no one these days uses the appropriate pronoun antecedent to the unidentified pronouns. Wait, is that right? Like, for example: "No one knows their PIN." No, it should be "No one knows his or her PIN." It all happened when we decided that using masculine gender pronouns was sexist, i.e. politically incorrect. That whole political incorrectness fad really ruined a good portion of the English language. But that's okay.

Dammit if I'm not tired again. Maybe it's the apples. Or the getting up at 6:30 every day. It makes staying up to 11:00 really difficult.

Today I went to the drive-thru at Blimpie and when I got to the window the guy there said, "Hi! It's good to see you! Where've you been?!!", and I said, "I don't know.", after trying to think of the right answer. Obviously he thought I was someone else, or he does that to everyone. Pretty funny if that's the case, but I felt so uncomfortable thinking he thought I was someone else.

And, after the Ali Farka Toure, I listened to some James Brown to do my data entry, but I was so totally distracted I had to turn it off. I kept thinking things like, "Popcorn, huh, what did he mean by that? Was it a dance? Is it code for some lewd sex act? If it was a dance, was it all pop-y, like popcorn when it pops? That's crazy." Then, when I heard the line, "Skinny legs and all", it hit me that that is the title of that Tom Robbins book, and it never occurred to me before today that Tom got it from a James Brown song. Wow.

And then, instead of keying, I found myself singing, "Shake your moneymaker", and thought again how this album, "20 All Time Greatest Hits!" (yes, that is an exclamatory sentence fragment in need of an independent clause and a fooking semi-colon, or maybe just a comma?), is one of my very favorite albums of all time, and had to turn it off or I would start keying the wrong data, no doubt about it. I'd be shaking my moneymaker in my cube.

Ooooh, then I got a really bad headache, and simultaneously realized it's been a long time since I've had a headache, which is a good thing, but ow, still, ow. It was like migraine intense.

And, to celebrate Earth Day, I refused a bag at the bookstore when I bought a copy of one of my very favorite books, A Mind Of Its Own - A Cultural History of the Penis, for my friends Hermione and her husband, who just had a baby boy, and did not have him circumcised (YAY!!!) one week ago today. An odd baby gift, I know, but I felt inspired.

I wore my Earth Day Is Every Day button, and the bookstore dude complimented me on it, wanted one just like it. Whee.

I cannot write today, can you tell? I mean I have lost it. I am having a lot of trouble typing too, major backspace action going on.

Work was good, aside from the early morning schooling with too much of the chitchat going on around me. It was productive and busy, but manageable. And tomorrow is Friday, and this is good, and I am going to take my vitamins and go to bed now, thank you very much. I should write in the mornings, I have more energy then, except for today, but usually, sure, yeah.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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