Saturday, Apr. 03, 2004 / 2:52 p.m.

Guestbook Fun!

entry 1107
name: hope
don't you get bored writing the same things over and over? i hate my job, i ate some food that gave me a belly, i hate people, i'm gonna quit my job, i'm going to stop writing. dang. shake it up woman. get a new hobby or take a vacation. theres a world out there.your rotting and you don't even know it.
date: 5:16 pm - Friday,April 2, 2004

Well, first of all, Hi hope, thanks for dropping by and skimming through five pages of my online diary in a paltry three minutes. You obviously have a good handle on who I am as a person and what I've lived through, and what my life is all about. 'Preciate ya!

Second of all, you know it's kind of pitiful that you spend your time online reading people's diaries and journals and leaving them little notes about how pitiful their lives are, when apparently you don't have a life of your own. The infamous pot calling the kettle black. Assuming you are both very used up and therefore blackened with soot.

Third of all, wait, is there a third? Good god, I write about so many topics it's not even funny. My mind is all over the place when I sit down to write here. I do read some diaries regularly that bore me to tears, and therefore, I've actually kind of stopped reading them. Some people's lives are awfully boring, and yet they write, because they love to write, probably, and they have 'friends' who read their diaries. Can you imagine the concept of 'friends'? Huh, maybe not.

Lastly, yeah, I think I've wasted enough time on this, isn't it always funny, like ironic funny, and sometimes Ha Ha funny, that the people who leave comments like this are really sort of sad and lonely people, people who spend their evenings, or even their long days at their jobs (wait, do you actually work?), reading other people's lives instead of writing about their own, or even living their own as they'd like to tell others to live theirs? And, of course, of course!, they are always comments left anonymously. Even though your BellSouth IP address is a bit telling, and your choice of writing in all lower case as well. You choose to remain anonymous because you know you're being nasty and leaving some unnecessary comment, probably because you're a bit jealous of the way I write, or you wish you had a brain like mine, or any number of other factors. You're a sad sad person to read my life, my writing, and leave that note. But, I shan't waste any more of my time pitying you, it is a beautiful day and I have things to do. I think I'll go eat something to swell my tiny belly (scale yesterday told me I weigh 105 and this is a problem I must rectify!), and think about how much I am actually liking my new job, spend this weekend out and about celebrating my birthday. Whee!

Have fun, dear hope, spending your day online reading people's diaries, leaving them nasty anonymous comments because it is the only way you can interact with other human beings, anonymously, as you are too ashamed of who you are to come out of the shadows, behind your monitor in your dark and lonely room. Cheers!

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