Friday, Jan. 07, 2005 / 7:20 p.m.

~Try This Some Time~

So here's what you do, you cut up some veggies, of your choice, squashes, broccoli, cauliflower, tear up some greens, chop some green onions, 'shrooms, all kinds, maybe slice some water chestnuts, snow peas, carrots, celery even, your choice, so you choose. A clove of garlic is nice, and if you forget, squeeze some paste from a tube (keep this in the fridge, it lasts forever, seemingly, and is great for when you realize you forgot to chop a clove - purists will disagree, but I dig the paste, for 'emergencies'), tofu is extra good, but no meat, this is not a meat thing, though you could, if you insist.

Now, you've got all this raw stuff chopped, cut, sliced, julienned, whatever, and spinach would be good for a last minute toss too, or any other green, and what you do is you boil some water, two cups, and add the raw stuff, in order of thickest, taking longest to cook, as I did with squash and tofu, and then... ready?... Ramen Noodles. Yes!

Then, as you must wait for it to come to boil after each addition, though those noodles take no time at all to cook through, add your other, lighter ingredients, such as your orange bell pepper and shiitakes, last minute, real last minute. Use the seasoning packet (with heat off), keeping in mind it's mostly salt and MSG, usually, but there is some bullion too, and skip the chicken flavor if you're vegan, natch.

This is fantastic. And you could add a raw egg, whisked, for an egg drop soup effect. It's just noodle soup, but it's along the lines of Asian Noodle Soup, and I wish I'd remembered the water chestnuts just now. That would have been really good.

I used yellow squash, zucchini, tofu, orange bell pepper, shiitakes, garlic paste, and the chicken seasoning, and oh my god, yes, exceptionally wonderful. The squash ended up cooked with a lot of crunch left, which is nice, and the paste has left a tinge of garlic on my tongue. Nice.

I'm thinking of going out to see "Closer", again. The first experience was so tainted by the women who sat behind me (talking back to the film throughout!) that I really have been longing to see it again, with a much more subdued crowd. I think I may hit the intown art theatre for a late showing there. Or not, still not sure.

I highly dig Fridays. It feels like the world is my oyster. And, invariably, or so it seems, every Friday morning, around 8:30 or 9:00, I have an intense desire to go out and party. Dance, drink, be merry, meet people, go to my favorite places. And then the caffeine wears off and I crash and burn.

But today I'm still feeling good.

I was feeling a might bit too sensual in the cube all day though, and that's a problem, but I made it. Just highly aware of my nether regions, highly aware of the sensation of shirt against skin, things like that, heavy on the sex fantasies and such. Whoo. What goes on amongst the cubicle rats, unbelievable. We're all listening to music in our headphones, daydreaming, or talking on phones, or... working. It's all a bit simultaneous, as we like the multitasking thing.

I bought wine for dinner tomorrow, but I couldn't just buy one bottle. I was unsure, wanted to experiment a bit, and I kept thinking of that movie "Sideways", and liking it so much better in retrospect, so I bought three bottles of wine. Wine. I want to open a bottle now, but I may take all three to dinner tomorrow. We can have a tasting.

I wish they served alcohol at this theatre... hmmmmmm. No, I'm not a 40something alcoholic, Jesus, stop it. God, I'll never forget that stereotype he laid on me. That was so rude, to lump me in with all these other insane women he's met. I'm ME, dammit!

Ah well. Things to do, best be going. And I'm going to finish off my faux Asian Noodle Soup. Try it some time.

(One more thing, speaking of mornings, the sunrise this morning was one of the most beautiful I have ever seen in my life. Ahead of me were horizontal stripes of gray, black, blue white clouds, lines of clouds, and behind me I saw it in my rearview mirror, a bright ball of red flames, rising from the blue clouds on the opposite horizon. I almost pulled over just to watch. It's darker in the mornings now, it seems, and the sunrises are spectacular to see, though I am not a morning person, I hate getting up early.)

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