Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2004 / 10:59 p.m.

~Soft and Sensual~

I love "The Amazing Race", because despite all the arguing and all the bickering and all the racing, the tension, the stress, the intolerable personalities cooped up in SUVs with cameramen documenting their every spat, in the end, the ones who get sent home, are so grateful for the experience.

It's like they've lived, finally, they now know what life is about.

I'm not sure how racing around the world would lead one to the meaning of why we're all here, but I suppose visiting all corners of this fantastic planet could do a soul some good.

Sign me up. But I need to work out first, and I'd need to take some drugs to suspend my PMS during the journey, or surely I'd have a nervous breakdown on top of everything else.

It's odd to be wearing the softest socks in the world. When I walk I feel my feet slide in them. It's more than like walking on air, or pillows, or fluffy clouds, it's downright bizarre. And my tattoos showing just above them, little ankle high things they are, well, it's a sensual experience all the way around.

I finally was questioned about my tardiness at work lately, today, and I promised to make an effort, for 'her', the supervisor. "Do it for me?", she asked. One minute, two minutes, today three, that's all, but we're on a tight ship these days, and it's not tolerable.

They're talking about Margaret Hassan on the news right now. I can't handle it. I never watch the news anymore, not since that day, that election day. I see bits and pieces online, so I know there is still a war, and I know people are dying, and I know Bush's cabinet has been resigning, but the rest? No, I've shut down, just like in '00.

It would take something great and fantastic, something extraordinary to pull me out of it. I can't care that much, not anymore. It did no good.

But, I had good TV tonight, my "Gilmore Girls", my "Amazing Race" two hour premiere, and my soft socks, my yellow rice with salmon and olives (oooh, shoulda put in some capers and green olives instead of the black), and tomorrow I get my teeth cleaned, which is exciting. Something to look forward to.

I wonder if I won the lottery?

Next week, a four day weekend, and tonight, in addition to the softest socks in the world, the softest flannel sheets ever made. I told my supervisor this is why I'm late, "I can't seem to get out of bed"...

Cost of the War in Iraq
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