Saturday, Jun. 22, 2002 / 11:02 p.m.

~Thanks, Everybody!~

Norma just gave this little belch, looked for sure like she was going to hurl...

No, that's not what I intended to write, not at all, but I wrote it anyway.

Should I like the movie "Traffic"? Isn't it a really good movie? Why am I so bored with it? Why do I feel like it's just so fucking self-important? And tiring? Ah well, I've invested two hours, I should get back.

Just wanted to try out Candace's suggestion to add the cellspacing code, or tag, and yeah, that did it. And thanks to Rainstripe for emailing, and Roadiepig for noticing, and Molu for liking it, and JimmyUsual for being there.

Whew! That's a lot of linkage! Sorry if I left anyone out.

Yes, yes, right after I wrote the previous entry I played around some more, and fixed the border, but it still wasn't right, and now it's probably closer to right, and I should get back to this movie, but it's hard to watch. I mean, it's good, right?, but I'm not liking it. It's not fun. It's not entertaining, it's not meaningful, it's one of those directorial masturbatory tour de force jobs. To me, okay?

I'll keep trying. Tra la la.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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I Survived to Tell the Tale - 7:29 a.m. , Friday, Sept. 18, 2009

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